Does your department have live in memebrs? Members who have made the station their home address with a bunk and storgage for their stuff, get their mail there, run calls after they get off from work and are there most of the time. Do you have members that have a home address spend most of their time in the station but sleep in to be sure units get out and get up and go to work in the morning or work a night shift then go home for a few hours and then back to the station. Or just have the member who has no job or no where to go and stays there until things change or ordered to get a job or leave.
I have heard where a volunteer chief moved his wife and family into his fire station and used it as their home address.
Do you have a duty night where members sleep in to get the first unit out and other members respond from home to standby or get the rest of the units out.
Do you have a combination station where you have a career crew to get the first unit out and a volunteer response to standby or get the rest of the units out.

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We had one member for awhile that ended up homeless. He was only 19 and his parents kicked him out of the house so he stayed at the station quite a bit and was usually there sleeping at night. That didn't last very long though and he left the dept. within about a month as he joined the military.
Other than that, no, we don't have anyone on our combo dept. that stays at the station a great deal of time or treats it like home.
Several members, including myself sleep at the station on our shift night because we live too far from the station to respond. I'm up and out the door and back home when 6:00 am comes.
I don't think our chief would allow anyone to camp out at the station that much.
I spent a little time on a combo dept and spent alot of time at the station when i wasn't working, but i lived too far to respond from home and i was going through ff1&2 at the time (not to mention i was single at the time so there wasn't much at home for me) but the dept here at home doesn't have anyplace to roll out a sleeping bag yet alone a bed so i don't see that being a problem
A few of the stations in our county have live ins. Most of them around The Unversity of Maryland because of their fire engineering and similar programs plus the stations are volunteer stations with county career personnel. Its like living in a campus dorm at those stations. Now other stations around the county have live in or part time live ins. Others the career personnel are there with a few volunteers or no volunteers.
For anyone to live in the station they do have meet the requirements and rules to live in the station.
We lost our last live in a few years ago because he sort of got pushed out by the chief and the career personnel.
Most of them got married or left for other reasons like medical conditions.
We just haven't gotten anyone willing to move in.
Most that have were in their teens, twenties or just didn't want to live at home with their families or were gunho to make runs.
We have just in the last couple years come up with a "Shift Calendar". We will assign a First Responder and a Firefighter "on shift" from 6PM to 6AM every night. That way if we get a call in the middle of the night you'll know if you need to go or not. And then if we see that we are gonna need more help we can radio dispatch to set the pagers off again or set off another departments pagers for mutual aid.
We have no members sleeping at either station. Usually, when we get paged out, anyone on the dept who is available will respond. We have no shifts or anything like that.


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