
The Backroom Crew

This is a place where we can sit down, put our feet up and chill. Where the Boys and Girls can just be themselves. The Back Room or what most firefighters call a ''day room or rec room'' is the social point of every firehouse.

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Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2020

The Backroom Crew

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

A new way to check for alertness!!

Started by John Dobson. Last reply by Timothy John Dodson Mar 16, 2014. 3 Replies

The Steeler Nation Corner

Started by Chris Weber. Last reply by Timothy John Dodson Mar 16, 2014. 21 Replies

The Secret Back Room Closet for us over 21

Started by Tom Williams. Last reply by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer Apr 20, 2013. 612 Replies

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Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 11:10pm
most fun thing that happened to me today

* I am a mediator at civil court
* Some crazy lady tried to enter the court
* It took 4 deputies to man-handle physically restrain her
* Put the court in lock-down for 45 minutes
* Judges getting pulled off the bench and locked in their offices
* Offices being locked and then deputies had to clear room by room the entire building

Unfortunately lady got hurt - with 4 big guys on her...

But they were trying to refrain from tazing her...

Which is what they did to the last crazy lady at court...

Then the deputies got reprimanded for "being too heavy handed with a woman"

So this time, they man-handled her

Quite a big scene... and of course, EMS had to come to repair the damage caused by the restraint and her fighting
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 11:05pm
WOW - busy day...

as my mother would say... keeping busy keeps you off the streets and out of jail...

and idle hands are the devils playground...

so she would support your busy day - LOLOL
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 11:04pm
I am avoiding getting my act together to go to the symphony...

think I may skip it... and continue to lounge half-nekkid... at home... too muggy outside to go to an outside concert (maybe)...
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 11:02pm
so how you doing Jimmy Boy ?
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 11:02pm
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...

the smarmie little buggers have led to me being scorned...

that is nothing like the fun in the spanking room

speaking of the spanking room... I see you gave me an open invitation : )

but since you made me wait... turn about is fair play...
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 10:59pm
on a lighter note - my boss - civil court judge - in open court today - praised me : )
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 10:46pm
whoo hoo - people doing a good job!

and being recognized... by an officer... in public... nice...
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 10:30pm
now on to the essentials...

Per The Great BB (Bed Bug) Hunt & Slaughter at my home... we are in the last inning of the 2nd game... and I am ahead by 15 points... so maybe I have won the war : )

and HOPEFULLY - we do not have to play a third game...

cause I am sooooooooooooooo OVER IT !!!

though - I have now become the resident bug expert in my town (and a few others) - so people for many miles call for my counsel on how to "kill the smarmie little bastards... while NOT blowing up the house" ... who knew being a FF would come in handing in killing the smarmie little bastards (or as Tom calls them "little f**k*rs" which is equally appropriate)

the #1 side-effects... psychological harm... when you are laying in bed traumatized that you will be eaten alive by the smarmie little .................

some people LITERALLY move out of their homes and leave ALL of their possessions behind in order to try to escape their invasion

so I am cautiously optmistic that I have won - but I swear I will not let down my guard - since I found out that they can lay dormant fof 18 months...

and yes.... I am aware... that probably... only I... care about this issue... and it is boring all of you to tears...

and if I were more evil... I would invite you all over for a comforting party... but if you were smart - you would realize that would actually be a punishment and potentially lead you into the path of the evil smarmie little bastards... and give them an avenue to get to your homes...

so be happy I am just venting... cause trust me... it could be worse...

and when these little buggers make it to your town and your home - you will remember this diatribe... and you will find me for my wisdom ;-)
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on August 19, 2011 at 10:13pm
please please please don't LEAVE children in cars unattended - unless they are over age 13 (not only is it illegal) but HUGE RISK ON SCENE !!! [industrial work site, as is the fire station, think OSHA]

and nothing is more traumatic for a child than seeing a fried human dragged out from a building or fried animal run out or get tragged out - cause they were "on scene" for no good reason

and nothing is more traumatic for a child than seeing a FF get injured - cause they were "on scene' for no good reason

just sayin...

read the news this week alone

- FF dies on scene from a heart attack
- FF falls off a ladder on scene
- FF falls through a roof on scene
- Father & 2 children die in a fire

you get my point... please don't encourage having children at REAL EMERGENCIES

BAD BAD THINGS CAN HAPPEN - and scar them emotionally and psychologically for life

hell just look at how many FFs have PTSD from the sh*t they have had to see and experience and they are trained, adult professionals

instead find a slew of babysitters who you can drop your kids off with - enroute to calls... the stay-at-home spouses of other firefighters are good resources - I use to have 5 regulars who would let me drop my kids off day or night

or find a bunch of on-call sitters, try
or run an add in the paper

or at the bare minimum - call and have some one come and get the kids from you

and kyle - don't learn everyone's bad habits - lolol - PLEASE....

and thanks for hearing my views the other day about the 2nd dept. In this industry you will find a lot who do it. Just because a lot of people do it, does not mean it is a good practice, or that it should be adapted by anyone else.

like old-timers still don't wear their seatbelts... or their airpacks...
you get my point...
Comment by Brian J. on August 19, 2011 at 7:45pm
Next time I'm bringing them to.the station and let them go hang out upstairs where the big screen tv is! The boys and girls got it knocked down pretty quick and both primary and secondary searches were negative for victims. Great job by all on scene!

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