Steve Coker

Single fire fighters


Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat

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Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2017

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Started by Kyle Bryant. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 1 Reply

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Started by Jennifer Croston. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 9, 2011 at 10:15pm
and bank annoyance update...


It appears to have been an accidental bank account breach - and NO HARM WAS DONE !!!

So last night - I thought someone hacked my bank account - since it got locked - and I got a email notice from the bank.

I went to the bank this morning. They told me another Heather ______ has the same account ID, and a similar enough password that she mis-typed and entered my password. So when she entered MY account - it asked her "Challenge ID" safety questions - like what childhood street did I live on (which come up when my online banking is accessed from any other computer except my laptop). The other Heather tried to change my questions - since they were not hers - and the bank locked the account - MY ACCOUNT! So she re-enter her account again - successfully her acct - so they locked her account as well - and sent us both "locked account" notices so that both of us will change our User IDs and passwords - since they are too similar and [OBVIOUSLY] easily mixed up from a mis-typing

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 9, 2011 at 4:04am

someone tried to hack into my bank account - ANNOYING...

my bank was fast and locked my accounts... SWEET... (hopefully)

i have a new housemate - who is supposed to be coming from India - (my other housemate is from India) and I sent her one of my savings account # so she could bank transfer $ - and MAYBE her or another stupid idiot is using that info to be evil... So tomorrow I get to spend the day at the bank seeing how much damage they did... [i deliberately gave her an account # which had a small amount of $ in it on purpose - so hopefully, even if evil ensued, by anyone, it is tiny]... did I mention ANNOYING !!!

then again - hackers have stolen my credit card #'s twice directly from my bank - just for fun - previously... so WTF-knows ???

and I successfuly broke my printer/copier/fax machine... doh! - ANNOYING

recently I was so proud of myself for successfully dismantling my two cell phones and fixing their broken problems and putting them back together - better... when the last time I broke one it cost me $120 + 7 hours to get it fixed... This time when I fixed these 2 - it took me 5 hours... and $0... so clearly I saved a pile of money... and was proud of myself...

But I am soooo electronically challenged...

so i can hardly bear another 5 hour (or even 50 minute) stint of trying to gain more electronic skills and figure out how to fix my {bad words} printer - without wanting to hang myself first...

and don't even get me started on my computer - I have prepared a DNR for it...

perhaps I should go back to old school - stashing $ under my mattress [crap... now that I told you all that... I am going to have to find a new hideout........... delicates drawer]

and I am returning to pony express and smoke signal communication... and blowing up all my electronics... FW send the TNT...

Thanks for listening to me vent... thanks for therapy... LOLOLOL

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 8, 2011 at 11:24pm
I found a very cute cartoon... and I thought I would share it...

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 8, 2011 at 11:22pm
Hey Josh - AWESOME PHOTO !!! How are things going with you ? What has been happening in your neck of the woods? Any interesting calls? Did you get hit with that crazy blizzard all week?
Comment by josh tompkins on February 7, 2011 at 9:02am

morning every1! have a great day and stay safe out there!
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 7, 2011 at 1:27am
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 7, 2011 at 1:24am
Everyone - make sure to add your birthdays to the list above. I will try to keep it updated and be sure to go wish the others Happy Birthday as they come by.

As far as my other adventures this week for me:

- I donated blood - O Positive

- Been cooking alot - homestyle cooking - like corn chowder and chicken pop pies and pumpkin bread and the like

- After the holiday storms and flooding and mud slides in our area - I spent several hours cleaning mud out of my garage - but it is going to take a whole weekend SOON probably to throw tons of my stuff out - and re-box what I can save... Most of it is items like books, which do not fair well under flood and mud - but hopefully I can save items like my camping gear and other things I can wash, dry and repack

- I have been playing alot in the FFN group - the Chief's Back Room Crew - for any of you that have not yet joined that group too - come play with us. Maybe we can get this group as lively as that one - so invite all your NON-Married friends to come join this group as well.

- I AM LOOKING FOR A NEW LAPTOP - anyone have good or back experiences that they can share with me about options for a new onw. I am technologically savvy - but use my computer ALOT - especially for researching - so I would love some ideas on what to consider and what to avoid !!!
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 7, 2011 at 12:58am
Hope all of you are not freezing this past week and ongoing. As I have mentioned before - I feel for all of you - since I grew up in Vermont and served on the FD/EMS there for 10 years - I understand the snow, sleet, rain, and endless ice and cold.

But now that I live in Southern California where I go to school - I have been enjoying sunny weather and playing at the outdoor swimming pool with the beautiful warm weather and palm trees. Hopefully, these pictures of my world will warm you all. (Notice my pool at my gym - at my school even has a water slide we get to play on as well as we can see the snow covered mountains WHILE we play in the pool... hee hee)

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 7, 2011 at 12:32am
WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW MEMBERS - JUMP ON IN AND SHARE YOUR LIVES WITH US - Where are you from, what type of adventures are going on in your lives - bring us up to speed - post us some pictures.

Everyone try to take a minute to welcome the new members to our group - WELCOME EMILY, WES, TONY, RICK, JUSTINE, JESSICA, ANTHONY, CLINTON, JON, SCOTT and MICHAEL (x's 2)

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 6, 2011 at 11:12pm
For those of you tracking my life - PUSSY PALOOZA IS FINALLY OVER... since my two kittens were cycling in and out of heat for 40+ days of the last 60 - I was finally able to get them spayed... and NOW peace returns to my home... YEAH YEAH YEAH

My two baby kitties tummies are so cute - their skin is actually striped and spotted too - which is sooooo cute - so I needed to share...

Zoomba before being fixed

Zoomba after her trip to the vet - here we are 1 week post op

Zegerah (a.k.a. Zebra-Tiger-Cheetah... with her cute cheetah spotted tummy)

Zegerah - post op


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