Steve Coker

Single fire fighters


Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat

Members: 573
Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2017

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Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

New to group

Started by Kyle Bryant. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 1 Reply

Dating People vs Seeing Someone

Started by Jennifer Croston. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 14, 2011 at 7:02pm

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 14, 2011 at 1:14am

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 14, 2011 at 1:11am



For those of you that think Valentine's Day is the worst day ever... this pic is for you !

But come on - find your super hero and smack a big kiss on them...

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 12, 2011 at 9:29pm
Paul and Harry - and anyone else up there in the chill zone - how is Michigan these days? What is going on? Did you get buried under snow last week? Have you dug yourselves out? Are you still alive or do I need to send search and rescue to look for you?

I found this Michigan picture on the internet... What else you all got?

You know I would invite all of you chillly people over to come warm yourselves by my fire place.

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 12, 2011 at 9:03pm
Paul and Harry how is Michigan these days? What is going on? Did you get buried under snow last week? Have you dug yourselves out? Are you still alive or do I need to send search and rescue to look for you?
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 12, 2011 at 7:55pm
Hope you all are doing well !!! What is going on with your weekend?

It is a beautiful sunny warm day in southern california - I just got back from a brief stroll on the beach and pier - the sand feels amazing on my feet - though I was tight on time (planning my friend's baby shower in Long Beach, CA) I still wanted a little relaxation. I wish I had a house at the end of the pier where I could just aly around all day listening to the waves and watching the surfers... ok maybe I could learn how to surf too. But I find the waves crashing to be very therapeutic.

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 11, 2011 at 10:19pm
Good Evening Everyone - I know I have been slacking in keeping up with you. Sorry about that. So drop on in here and tell me what is going on with each of you... Have a Great Night !

Josh - I am sending my truckload of cash you way - it sounds like you have wise investment options - and my mind will be at ease... and you know I will be over for some track time... thanks for being such a great guy !!! and taking protecting my ass-ets...

Comment by josh tompkins on February 10, 2011 at 12:34pm
thanks heather. blizzard?? no, no blizzards but it snows every day here. ugh, i'll never get to ride motorcycles again. :-( listen, i've got an idea, just send me all your cash and i will keep it safe for you by investing it in bike parts and track time!! sound good? sounds good to me!!! :-) have a great day all!
Comment by Steve on February 9, 2011 at 11:40pm
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 9, 2011 at 10:19pm
Hey Jaime - thanks for weighing in on my stupidity. I know I have never transferred money across the world before. My bank told me if I used my savings account to transfer - it is a one way street - transfer IN ONLY...

As you see from the post I just made - it was actually another problem entirely - but you are so right - I am way to trusting...

I swear I am going back to the pony express - OH WAIT - they got robbed too...

Nevermind - I will hide $ under my mattress - except now that I told all of you that - I have to find a new hiding place... plus I live in the County with the highest crime rate in the ENTIRE COUNTRY - so perhaps keeping money at my home is stupid tooo.... Well I will just spend it all - then there is none to steal - HEE HEE...

ok, that makes no sense either... so I will need to stock pile it someone secret...


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