Steve Coker

Single fire fighters


Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat

Members: 573
Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2017

Note to Non Fire/EMS Service Personnel

This site is for firefighters, and while this group is acceptable use of the site, if you are not in the fire service and here PURELY to find a date with a firefighter, your profile may be removed without warning. - FFN WebTeam

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

New to group

Started by Kyle Bryant. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 1 Reply

Dating People vs Seeing Someone

Started by Jennifer Croston. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Tyler Williams on January 24, 2011 at 12:05am
oh i know trust me....but im getting used to it
Comment by Grant A Allen on January 23, 2011 at 11:55pm
Ya they will be pretty great. Can't wait. See some wild stuff. It is Dallas by the way too just to clarify.
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 23, 2011 at 11:49pm
Tyler Tyler Tyler - apparently you found your way back to us - and my comments to you - so you can't be that lost !!! Since you hit the most important spot in the website.

The main discussions can be interesting sometimes - but beware of the vultures... It can be a very educational and fun site - but it can also drive you insane with all the egos on here... LOLOLOLOL... ok the fire service is riddled with WAY TOO MUCH testosterone anyway you look at it....

Grant - glad you are still alive and well - glad you are loving your classes - we want pictures !!! Clinical rotations - that is going to be awesome - nothing calm in Houston - education by immersion! You are LUCKY !!!

Stacy - YOU ROCK !!! That is awesome - if your co-workers don't love you now - then they are just plain ridiculous !!! Cause who could resist that hunk of sweetness...
Comment by Tyler Williams on January 23, 2011 at 11:25pm
just trying to navigate my self around lol
Comment by StacyS on January 23, 2011 at 10:58pm
Just for Heather....

Comment by Grant A Allen on January 23, 2011 at 10:50pm
Hey Heather and single FF's,

Sorry it is crazy here in Dallas. Had a wild week. Still trying to get used to the city and this Paramedic Program. It is a blast but intense. Friday I got go tour a couple of the hospitals that we will be doing our clinical rotations at and take our pictures to get our ID's for those facilities. That was a pretty awesome day. Parkland Memorial hospital is quite a facility when you come from where I do. Also got to see Children's Medical Center ER.

I had very little sleep and with the homework and the early starts I was fried. I got home from our tours on Friday around 1600 and I crashed. I literally walked into my apartment, took off my shoes, dropped my backpack and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up the next morning at 0900 still in uniform on the couch.
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 23, 2011 at 7:31pm


WELCOME Barry, Larry, Tyler, Jessica, David, and Marisa !!! Tell us some about your lives - what type of adventures are you up to and teach us a little about yourselves. We are just a fun group of FF/EMS types who chit chat and play with each other. So come on in and join the fun !!! And post us some pictures of your world - I love the pictures - helps me understand better...

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 23, 2011 at 7:25pm
Hi Tyler: What's up? Why are you lost? What are you looking for?
Comment by Tyler Williams on January 23, 2011 at 6:50pm
Whats up people hows new to this and im SO lost!!!!
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 23, 2011 at 6:17pm
AJ - I have been enjoying your picture below of peace and tranquility... and the ictures you posted of your ranch - I am tired of the city of late - need some wide open spaces... Too many things lately spinning around my world... I am working to eliminate them one by one as fast as I can to get out of this hurricane... hee hee LOVE YOUR PICTURES !!!


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