Steve Coker

Single fire fighters


Single fire fighters

A place for single fire fighters to chat

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Started by Kyle Bryant. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 1 Reply

Dating People vs Seeing Someone

Started by Jennifer Croston. Last reply by Rita Jo Studdard May 9, 2011. 3 Replies

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Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 9:15pm



WOW WOW WOW WOW - I wanna play with your mistress !!!

Heck with that much love and care - I wanna be your mistress !!


I actually have never SEEN someone ski patrol on a board - but it makes sense... I haven't really pursued snow boarding - since I don't like to be on the ground - LOL - but I grew up on skis... LOVE to play in the snow. Love to snowmobile, go winter camping, and ski, etc. etc. etc.

Awesome pixs - thanks for sharing !!!
Comment by josh tompkins on January 25, 2011 at 8:40pm
that one is before i rebuilt the bike. this is what she looks like now:

Comment by josh tompkins on January 25, 2011 at 8:32pm
that sky is BLUE!! it was beautiful that day but cold!!! i can't ski a turn but i snowboard and work for the ski patrol at one of the resorts when i have the extra time. i used to be a full timer during ski season before i got on with the FD. now i only do a couple days a month. i'm so sorry to hear about your dad heather. i hope he is getting along ok.

i don't work this much all year. mainly when motorcycle riding is out of the question. we get pretty nice vacations from the dept., so that's when i like to kick back and relax and have fun. i'll be spending a lot of time at the track this summer, racing bikes, which is an expensive hobby so i work a lot now to have a lot of fun later. work hard, play harder!! here's a pic of me on my board in patrol gear:

and one of me with the mistress:

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 8:01pm
JOSH - that picture is awesome - it looks so fake - like a hollywood photo - AWESOME !!!

I love it !!! Keep em coming !
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 7:58pm

Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 7:54pm


Nice femur fracture - did you see a few pages back in this discussion where my dad broke his hip (ok, femur) I posted his x-ray. It just happened a few weeks ago - because he thought he would take himself cross-country skiing.

3 Ski areas nearby - so do you ski? dang I am jealous !!!

Burning the candle on both ends - so that will get you in the grave twice as fast, right ?

I hope you are getting some play in there too... But we women like hard working me too. It is hot !!! But you correct - if you are all work and no play - it really does limit the girl time in your life - so come play with us more...

There are lots of great women on here and in life - so sounds like you are on a good path - and a good man - so ready when the good woman comes along - and NOTICES THAT YOU DO HOUSEHOLD CHORES - AND PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF... AROUND YOUR MOTORCYCLE !!!

And if any of you haven't done it yet - come join the group The Back Room Crew too - they are a wild bunch in there !!!
Comment by josh tompkins on January 25, 2011 at 7:48pm

here's healthnet coming in to the LZ for a pickup
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 7:46pm
WELCOME TO MEMBERS TO OUR GROUP - WELCOME TO DAVID, SELIM, RON, AND KENNETH !!! Tell us about you - post us some pictures and share your world with us - tell us all the fun and exciting things going on in your lives!!!

Everyone - welcome the new members to our group !!!

Comment by josh tompkins on January 25, 2011 at 7:38pm
haha! yea heather i like to keep the candle burnin at both ends. i typically come off a 24 hour shift at the FD and go straight to EMS for a 12 or 16. sleep a few and do it all over again.

we definitely see more MVC's when the snow comes because most folks don't quite know how to navigate in the white stuff. i live in a touristy area too so a lot of out of towners come in on the weekends and generally cause a bunch of havoc on the roads! lols plus we have 3 ski areas within ten miles of my house so a lot of EMS calls come from there on the weekends too. this past weekend we flew two patients from ski areas for serious injuries. last monday we had a nice midshaft femur.

i love my new shift, my driver is a great guy and the station is smaller so it's easier to clean!! this job has really been a dream come true, so i don't care where they put me or with who, i'm just thrilled to be here!

dang, 78?!?!?! i don't have any sympathy for you! i'd be rippin on two wheels everyday if i had those cali temps! besides i'm sure i'm not the first bachelor to have his bike in the house. who's gonna tell me not to? lols and btw you should introduce me to some of these women who love a man that does housework! if i didnt do it, it would never get done!
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on January 25, 2011 at 7:21pm
Glad I could entertain you !!!

Here are some pictures of Vermont - what I am use to and crave... BUT I must also finish school - for the long term career goals... So I fondly dream...


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