Nursing homes are killing me.


Nursing homes are killing me.

This group is for people whom love thier job but are tired of getting up at 3am to take a pt. to the hospital for an elevated temp or to have a catheter changed. Nothing against the patients but 911 is for emergencies. Right?

Members: 26
Latest Activity: Mar 6, 2011

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Started by Bill Anderson Oct 25, 2010. 0 Replies


Started by Michelle. Last reply by Bill Anderson Oct 14, 2009. 18 Replies

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Comment by Michael J Burke on August 1, 2009 at 7:20am
We have two nursing homes and two assisted living(assisted dying? in our city and the are both disasterous. They call at 3:00AM for a pt that has been sick all day and they suddenly need to go to he ER. Or they give a pt insulin with out checking the pt's blood sugar or feeding them.(very common, just happened actually last week)I truly feel bad for the pt's and family's.
Comment by Bill Anderson on May 10, 2008 at 11:55pm
How about the Friday night 0100 'traumatic' G-tube removal? Said they had a Foley in it until the patient pulled it out. Don't know how long it had been out, it was closed over and patient had to be admitted instead of another Foley weekend fix.
We now have a woman at a NH who has fell the last two Fridays that I worked. This time she was more aggressive. Kept yelling at Levi to "Shoot em in the toe." He must've shot someone.....Next she was yelling "Get ready to shoot another one." When we left her at the ER she was telling Levi to "Shoot 'em in the ear lobe."
She is completely deaf(really).....until after 5mg Haldol. I hate dementia........
Comment by Tammy Castor on March 30, 2008 at 12:03pm
What really gets me is that most of to pts I have to go get said that they were sleeping and the nurses come in wake them. And then the staff tells us that the pt hasn't slept, or had been complaining, and they make them go to the hospital and they usually don't want to. Then i also work for an ambulance service and I have to take them back too.

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