One of the issues I am having is modifying my diet to go along with my current physical training. I am curious as to what everyone else has done to modify their diets? As you all know our work schedules don't allow for a set meal time, even though I try to eat right, I still find myself grabbing something quick and easy. (junk food)

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I would say if you have to grab something fast go with subway.
I may not be a paid FF but i do know how to keep in shape and the biggest thing is def. eating right. A good way to go is always fruits and veggies but if you gotta have it try making excess protiens(chicken beef fish) in off times that will stay in tupperwear and then just make the sides when your ready to eat, stay away from frozen found its more hazard than its worth.I guess what im saying is pack a lunch kind of mentallity, cook for more than you intend to feed then save leftovers. small portions more times a day

Smothies are a great meal too! add egg, protien mix, ice cubes, fruit, V8, whatever to keep it filling.
Hey Joe,

I think Steven Baughman hit the nail on the head.

On Nov. 27th, 2007 I was the picture of a walking heart attack & with the aid & supervision of my personal doctor started a low carb diet & physical fitness program. My doctor told me to any of the top diet programs read the book on it and follow it to the letter. Then couple that diet of my choice with a workout program that maximized my sweating. The only way to lose weight is to burn more than you take in. Following his advice I was able to drop 50 pounds in four months and keep it off now for a year & eight months now. Once I reached my goal of being under 200 lbs. I started following a "Diabetic Diet" regimen. I'm not diabetic & never was although their ability to maintain a balanced diet. The other key point in maintaining weight is working out.

So I went from 5' 7" & 250 pounds to 5' 7" & 195 lbs. in 4 months. Oh did I mention that I'm over 50 years old as well?
You can do it, Check out the Good Morning America Video on my profile.

FirehouseMike (Old Guy)
I try to eat a lot of eggs, protein, fruits and veggies, as well as calcium products. I just joined Pure Fitness here in Tempe and the staff went through everything from how to eat right to what multivitamins are going to be conducive to my success.
Keep it going. Sounds awesome.


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