  • Male
  • New York, NY
  • United States
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  • Andre Oosthuysen
  • Chris Murphy
  • Butch Hayes
  • stacey leal
  • Mark Fuqua

Shawn's Page

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South Central HAZMAT Team (Teller County)

South Central HAZMAT Team - Teller County, Colorado
Sep 27, 2019
Shawn's photo was featured

Las Vegas Fire and Rescue HAZMAT

Las Vegas Fire and Rescue HAZMAT
Sep 12, 2019
Shawn's photo was featured

Santa Clara County Fire Hazmat (Image 2)

Santa Clara County Fire Hazmat - Santa Clara County, California
Jul 12, 2019

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
New York
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
-John Jay College of Criminal justice*

*Though the words "criminal justice" are in the title of the institution, it is generally a public safety-based educational institution that has fire science, EMT, social worker and various other social science-based academic majors.
My Training:
I'm a certified as a emergency first responder at the Operations level in the United States and Canada for HAZMAT/CBRN incidents. I have also taken numerous online courses provided by FEMA, CDC and John Hopkins school of Public Health and others pretaining to HAZMAT and CBRN.
About Me:
I'm now studying to become a hazardous waste technician or a spill response team member. I also hope to return to John Jay College sometime this year to finish my international criminal justice bachelors degree (minor in chemistry).

Though I do have some training and knowledge in the subject area of HAZMAT, I understand that I probably don't know as much as I think I do. I'm here because I am hoping to gain knowledge and advice from the first-hand experiences of actual technicians and specialists as well as to share ideas on discussion boards here.

My ultimate goal is to one day become a member of a HAZMAT team as a technician or perhaps even a specialist.

I also study for a lot of online CBRN and HAZMAT courses given by public universities and public health agencies.
Day Job:
Top Issues Facing Responders:
-'Glow Trains': railway freight shipment of radioactive materials.

-Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear(CBRN) incidents

-Booby traps in clandestine drug and illicit CBRN laboratories

-Use of remote tactics (robots) in HAZMAT

-HAZMAT traffic incidents (both road and rail) involving improperly placarded vehicles or vehicles without any placards at all.

-Ethanol fires

-HAZMAT emergencies caused by natural disasters (i.e. the Japanese nuclear crisis as a result of March's earthquake and tusnami. The earthquake also caused a massive fire that erupted at the Cosmo oil refinery in Ichihara city. The fire burned unchecked for nearly a week because fire officials could not reach the facility as many of the roads leading to it had been washed out).

Read more:

The Hazardous Materials Response Team (HMRT):The Hazardous Materials Response Team handles transportaion accidents, chemical spills in business and manufacturing facilities, and acts of terrorism involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. The team takes corrective actions to stop or mitigate the release of hazardous materials, while safeguarding the welfare of citizens, emergency response personnel and the environment. In addition to their HAZMAT duties, the HMRT also provides basic fire suppression and emergency medical first response services as needed.

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At 11:09pm on August 22, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
Hey Shawn, Thanks for having me as a friend.Hope you have a good week."STAY SAFE AND KEEP IN TOUCH"
At 9:46pm on August 20, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
Hey Shawn, Thanks for comment on my photos.Hope you have a good weekend. "STAY SAFE AND KEEP IN TOUCH" P.S I like your photos and videos.
At 4:32pm on August 19, 2011, Joseph L. De Laura, jr. said…
Shawn, I've added the latest adobe but I did not add the security addition the wanted me to have. This could be the reason. Thanks for the help.
Some of the videos would be a great addition to the Junior Auxiliary/explorers that we have in the fire department.
At 8:18am on July 20, 2011, Chris Murphy said…
pasadena is volunteer i am trying to go paid. to where at one point ill be doing both
At 4:16pm on July 18, 2011, Chris Murphy said…
My pleasure brother. i live in Pasadena and have been trying to get into the Houston Fire Dept for years. Hazmat is a route id really like to take once i can get in.

Shawn's Blog

Remembering the 9/11 Heroes of the FDNY's Hazardous Materials Company 1

Posted on October 27, 2011 at 6:00pm 2 Comments

Remembering the 9/11 Heroes of the

 FDNY's Hazardous Materials Company…


The Different Levels of Hazardous Materials Response

Posted on August 9, 2011 at 1:30pm 2 Comments

The Typing Levels of Hazardous Materials Response Teams (HMRT)

*Adapted form Indiana Hazardous Materials Team Qualification Program


There are generally three types of HMRT's that are categorized by their level of training, expertise, capability and equipment and resources.


HMRT's are generally categorized as Type 1,…


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