What is the best Song to drive to a Call?

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hey Brian,

come down and take the brake! it is a easy "WTF" question, not more! damn!

i hope you drive the truck not so emotional, like your way to answer?!

it is not good for your CREW

keep smiling!
If we are goin to a carnival? then its 99 bottles of beer. Lol Have you ever heard firefighters trying to rap?
it is for a loooooooooong way back, or?! :-)
You can be happy, that you DON´T have carnival in the states! it sucks!

many..., many..., many work at this stupid time here! i hate it!
"I hope you drive the truck not so emotional." Classic comeback!
Interesting question ... One bit of music I noticed missing was the roar of the engine - powerful sound to go with air horn, siren, radio. However, as sick minded as I am, one picture that popped into my head was tooling down the road with a crew air fisting to the chorus of Bon Jovi's, "Livin' On A Prayer". But, since risk factor of doing something like that - outside of the entertainment field - would be astronomical, that would be a negative on the music.

You're not too far off with that comment. We've pulled up a few times on a job that was not quite yet ready to take off. Then the guys on the backstep start bitchin' at the driver for getting there "too fast".
I agree you shouldn't have the radio on when responding, but Jimi Hendirix - All Along the Watchtower is not a bad choice if you have to listen to something!
I wouldn't know, Kev. We don't get beat in. (I certainly would never admit to it, anyway).
Would that be from a rural call??
Maybe Purple Haze? Fire? (As in, Let me stand next to your...?)

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