We got one ordered, have a pre-construction meeting in a few days. For us this is a multiuse rig with the only difference from our standard configuration is 4 wheel drive, smaller pump and a little less water, 650 instead of 1000. It’s an International 2 door 4X4, 1000gpm pump and roll, 20gal foam, nothing fancy. For the lack of a better term this is our brush/rescue truck. This rig will cover everything but structure fires, there it will serve as water supply loaded with LDH.

My questions to you will be;
What is the best gadget you can’t do without?
What was the biggest waste of money?

Before you question the 2 door, we roll a heavy rescue on all calls.

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It has to do with our SOG’s and what we respond to. This is not our structure fire truck, but would be second truck on scene; one of its functions will be water supply. ISO dictates requirements for a class A truck in regards to hose, 1200’min. of which 800’ is 2 ½ or larger, we will have that and more, plus 2-1 ¾ pre-cons.
Ted, I said I didn't know the EXACT height, but we have everything figured to an in. or 2, or best we can determine from scale drawings, will get full drawings in the preconstruction meeting. We have some wooded, but mostly open farm ground. I’ve been driving 4X4’s in the woods since way before I was 16, F350, depends on the wheelbase, but a 450 or a 550, I won’t be far behind and with enough water to make a difference, although I’m going to take a good reaming for scratching it up…LOL. We got enough pickups around in our MA. A nice gator/ranger would be a good complement to a rig like this.
When you said this I'm thinking this is going to be a big truck. "It’s an International 2 door 4X4, 1000gpm pump and roll, 20gal foam, nothing fancy."

Again it's going to depend on the topography of the area you serve. If it's open farm land and fields it will do you a good job.
Yes on mars and LED all around.
We actually though about the CAFS but there was a couple of reasons why we did not; way to much money, I believe 25 grand, plus the fact that, and we have a new ethanol plant near, it’s not the recommended application on a polar solvent problem.
Custom cab was out of the question for this type of truck.
Pump and roll screws the hydraulic generator.
Super singles….finally someone that sees the advantage, I whish I could convince everyone else.
If what you call multiplex is a combo of 12 and 120, yes its there; we have this on everything and have not had any problems. It might be with your MFG if you are having problems.
10-4, wait a minute (remembering NIMS) YES on no electronics but, atomic pressure relief valve is our only options, and the eng rpm throttle is also since the motor is controlled by computer. We’ve had this on our other trucks for some time and have had to replace, or I should say the eng computer for some reason forgot it was there. I’m not a big fan of cables either. I can’t ever remember trying to keep up with the neighbors, but when I first got on I do remember the trustees throwing us the keys and saying here’s your new truck, no input at all.
Okay, here is my opinion, again opinions are like assholes, so take it for what it's worth.


Electronic pump controls. Hate them.
Roll up doors.

Hydraulic Generator
Tons of scene lighting
Aluminum body
Manual pump shift.. Gotta agree there, we've used ours several times on our 1997.
Ladders/pike poles through the tank design. Got it on our 04 and LOVE IT!!!

What kind of truck are you getting???
If this is supposed to be a potential off road use vehicle, a stainless body will weigh too much.
say no to heavier.
It’s an International 7400, I do like KW’s and I own a Pete, but this was a money issue, besides IH have been in the business class longer then anyone.
Never heard of the multi pto option, sounds interesting, but again only 1 trans/pump combo compliable of pump-n-roll. Cat does not make a transmission, well for a truck.
Custom cab for a 2 door??
Ah yes the class 1, we have 2 and the only time we have problems, its doing its job, alternator, batteries, or to much load, with this system a high idle is a must.
One roll up door in the rear, rest is low side swing-out, with the back compartment being all the way across.
Body is aluminum, stainless would be to heavy, but all plumbing is SS, we’ve had aluminum for 20 years, bear with me here, I don’t want to get in a pissin match about MFG’s. We are located 15 miles from Alexis Fire equipment, been around since the 40ies, their a one at a time small town custom manufacturer and could not have survived without producing a quality product, no UPS trucks, no Swan truck no FedEx trucks, no assembly line crap, strictly fire service, and if we do have a problem, like I said, 15 miles.

I’m am curios on the manual pump engagement, is it a direct lever to the pump, or and this is what we have, air activated?
We use ours mainly as a rescue, 2006 GMC 4500 4x4. It is set up with a full complement of extrication equipment - airbags, cutter, spreader, etc, along with our ALS gear and two SCBA's. Two preconnects and booster line. It is set up for a hose bed even though we don't use it. The compartments could stand to be bigger and I am not pleased with the company who built it, KME. Even though it is a Rescue, the 300 gallon water tank and 750 gpm pump has worked well on brush fires and a car fire.

We had our preconstruction meeting last night, had a call prior and was 1 ½ hrs late, didn’t get home till after 11pm, so I’m a little fuzzy this morning. I remember its 9’ 9” tall, we changed a little. Have the foam in 3 locations, front, 1 of the 2-1 3/4 mid pre-cons and in the rear 2 ½ pre-con, any thoughts on this? Another thing no one mentioned is a front mount remote turret, thoughts on this? This was a very pricy option but think it will work well for us. I’m drawing a total blank on everything else, maybe CR can help.
Coming frm a city department, I dont hav the experience of ridin on anything that is not structure related (i.e. brush type vechicles) other than a Crash truck. Equpiment tht would come in handy for Me (on any type of truck) 1. PPV (need 1 several times this week, may not be wht U r lookin 4 on tht type of truck). 2. Thermal Imagery Device 3. A Saw-Saz (perfect for rescue/ auto extrication). I to say it, but with cities and departments (this Great Nation overall) tight for money, I would say tht the biggest waste of money would be buying equipment that U know that will never be used (i know never say never), buyin too many of the same items (overkill as in 4 sledge hammers, when U may need only two on a scene) or buying equipment that is jst there because of/ for tradition. Some trucks that I been on/seen have equipment, that I never hear of being used since I been in the fires service (almost 10 yrs).

Im confused,If this truck is also being used as a water supply, why is it carrying less than 1000 gals or even less than 750. It might as well be a 1st- in attack pumper, until the big boys show up. Or are You sayin that It will be used at a structure as a water supply??

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