Anyone out there put on a demonstration for prom or anything if so i would like to here about it or see pics/ videos 

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We do this every year with the ambulance company that I am an employee of. We get two pre-crashed vehicles from the local tow truck company and set up a scenario. We have the most popular seniors be the victims and fatalities and have fire, ems, police, and medivac participate. We do fake injuries with make up and do full extrications. One student gets put into the helicopter then snuck out the other side before the chopper takes off. The drunk driver goes through a field sobriety test and is arrested. After the event we have an assembly where the magisterial district judge holds a trial where the bail is set for the drunk driver and the possible jail sentence is discussed. Then they show a video or slide show of recent fatal accidents in our area involving drunk students.

We do one every other year. We bring in the trucks, ambulance, corner, state police and sheriff. Also the hearse. We try to get one of our FF kids to be the victim that die's and he goes ballistic on the scene. All the students that where involved in the mock accident get white make-up put on after the show and can not talk to anyone all day while in school. Knock on wood we have run this for over 15 years and have not had a accident after a prom involving the teens. There is some pics of the one i run during a open house on my page and i'm not sure if they are still on the schools web site or not it is they would be ones from the one we did at the school 2 years ago and we will be doing one on the 17th of this month. I have seen some students get pretty upset when we place one of there friends in a bag and load them in the hearse and have seen some get sick but it gets the point across. 

We just started doing them last Sept. We going to do this every 3 years. It went over well, had a few parents complain, but better have them complain than going to the morgue to identify loved ones.


We do one every couple of years and just had one this year. We had 2 departments, LE, and the local Medic unit there. It was smaller this year, with just a 2 car MVA and some light extrication. I think there were about 4 patients to transport and 2 DOA patients. It went really well though and the feedback from the assembly afterwards was that they were dead silent and it looked like it really struck home. The one that was done last year hit the students hard enough that a few parents complained saying their kid was traumatized by it, but I agree with Bull about rather having parents complain than having to go ID their kids.

Here's the link for pics taken from the dept that set it up:!/media/set/?set=a.377474438960917.78489.1...

I have helped put on one every year for the last 6 years. You can look at the albums in my profile and see some of the older pictures. I will have to check but I have a youtube with couple of the videos also if your interested. If you need any help putting one on let me know I have some information I can pass on to you that might help.

Not having high schools in my district means we don't do them. But a couple of nearby departments do them every year. Their "Shattered Dreams" program has the usual fire, EMS, helicopter, and DUI parts. But the fatalities are removed by the hearse, and sequestered overnight at an off campus location. No cell phones to text their friends or family. Their desks in the classrooms sit empty.

There is an assembly the next day with the "victims" families present. The students killed in the scenario get up on stage and read a letter to their friends and family, which they write after they are removed from the scene. This letter attempts to explain how they never thought it would happen to them. They tell of the plans they had made for their life after graduation. How they wished they had made a better choice, and to apologize for causing so much grief and heartache. It is very dramatic. There have been few complaints from the parents, and seems to make a huge impact on the student body as a whole.

yeah man that sounds great 

ambulance service i used to work for did several a year at various high schools. As mentioned in other posts police, fire, ems and helicopters were all present. We used members of the drama club as victims and mulaged all victims,  the "patient" that was sent to the helicopter was taken for a very short flight at the discretion of the flight crew and the "doa's" were placed in body bags removed to the side of the scene and left there (faces uncovered) for the duration of the drill. I dont have pictures but will try to get some to post.

In addition to mock drills, the county does a voluntary program on drug and alcohol use that takes kids thru several "sets" at the courthouse. They cover from the hospital, autopsy, funeral, jail, and finally to court.  All of the pertinent county employees are involved  and what started as a 2 hour "reality tour" has turned into something that spans all day to cover the people that want to see it

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