Politician Firefighter: The volunteer or career member of your fire dept who takes up the lead to move upward and on ward to be the leader of your city/town, county, the state and maybe the country.

The father of our country George Washington and several other first leaders of our country served in a volunteer fire dept.

In the years of being in the fire service I have know some members of the fire service to be mayor of the city or town while still serving as a member of their fire company.

One that was comptroller of the state treasury.

One retire career fire chief that served as a county council person and tried to be elected county exec but now serves as a bussiness consultant for our county.

I remember a US Congressman who attended our convention and he had rose through the ranks of his fire company and the political ranks.

I have wondered if there are other such people who have served the constituents of their area by first serving in their fire company then taking on being a greater leader to help.    

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The Dept, i used to belong to we had one member who was our Dept President went on to the village board county board and county sheriff , And one of our Ass't chiefs was on the village board and became mayor , So there are Fire Fighters that become politicians, I think this happens alot all over the country .

I think it would be more out of the ordinary if it didn't.  The two share a common characteristic - public service, and while the political crowd tends to be more "like-minded people", I think if you look at the fire service in general -- especially volunteer departments -- you'll find a healthy cross section of the population; everywhere from white collar executives to blue collar laborers.  Granted, some "groups" are probably more strongly represented, but overall, if you sample enough firefighters, I would bet my next paycheck you're going to find someone from every walk of life.

I had remember that one of the firefighters that served as one of the firefighter mayors of a city in our area had also served as Secretary of the State under under the state governor.

I also remembered this TV ad


Our fire administrator(not a chief in our eyes because he lacks any leadership skills and has single handedly ruined a world class department) is hoping to become the deputy mayor of Washington, DC.  If that happens then God bless the citizens of DC.  I wish you all luck.  He doesn't deserve to play any part in this city.

Was this person a firefighter or just someone appointed to a position?

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