I started this group last week, and I see that I haven't received much activity on it as yet.
This Group is for senior members of the fire service that are over the age of 55. Maybe I should have named the group " On Top Of The Hill Gang " and then maybe I would get some activity. I don't want anyone to take offence by me using the theme " Over The Hill Gang " I was just trying to reach out to our senior members of the fire service that are still active. I know that there are a lot of us out there. If you think I should change the name of the group to " On Top Of The Hill Gang " or something else, please let me know. My aim was to start a group for members over the age of 55 that are still active. If anyone has any better names, or ideas please let me know. Thank you, and please be kind with your comments.

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More topics for group discussion(again, based loosely on previous topics):

Are you allowed to have lights on your POV...if you keep forgetting to turn them off?

Do you remember your first wagon jackknife?

Were explorers allowed to drive the horse team when you fist started?

Sorry Chief, I am not so sure what you are laughing out loud about, it must be a inside
joke that I am not aware of. O'well, I hope you had a good laugh. Have a great day.
Hey Dave, I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I sorry for your loss, and my Jim rest in peace.
Hang in there Brother.
Reg, Keep them Coming Brother, if you have the wagon, I have the horses.
As far as lights on your POV, I couldn't find a place to mount one on my horse.
By the way, I never did get pulled over for speeding, just for reckless riding. LOL
Thoses were the day's.
I just realized something all....Its a hell of a lot better to be "over the hill" ......than to be under it......LOL
You can bet your ass on that Paul.
If you are "over the hill" I'm sure you have ridden the tailboard more than a few times. What is your funniest story about this experience?

The one I think of: We had a 1951 Brockway tanker (with a wooden cab) that had an overflow chute in the back. If you were unfortunate enough to get to the house late and had to ride the back of this piece, you stood to one side of center - well to the side. We usually made the probies ride in the center; when the water got to sloshing around on the road it would spurt out of the overflow and give whoever was standing under it a thorough soaking.

Once was generally enough.
I added this as a discussion on the group page too.
Hey Dave, Good to hear from you again, and adding to the discussion.
Don't feel bad, I have seen that happen before, after seeing he wasn't hurt'
ILMAO, and broke his balls big time. Be well, and stay safe Brother.
Hey ... how about we call it "OFF" ... Old Fart Firefighters !!!

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