Bob Kinne
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  • Mick Shelley
  • Christopher Gibson
  • BB
  • Steve Wright
  • Toni
  • Bobby Shelton
  • Robby Lybaert
  • Ric Smith
  • Don Sparks
  • Lew Kofler
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Bob Kinne's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fire Bureau, City of Carbondale, Pa.
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Liberty Fire Dept, Liberty NY.
Richland Fire Dept, Richland, Fla.
My Training:
Essentials, Ladder Co. ops., Single Co. ops, Pump ops.,
Basic Fire Police, Advanced Fire Police, Highway Incident Operations, Fire Dept. Communications, Fire Police Legal Concepts, Hazmat R&I, Advanced First Aid, CPR/AED, and EVOC.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My father was a firefighter and it was all I knew growing up.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It allows me to be part of something much bigger than myself.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
#1 Scene safety and security
#2 The lack of personal integrity, loyalty, and dedication to duty by too many entering the fire service today.

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Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 8:17pm on September 16, 2009, Cristina M Blanco said…
I started out at station 10, now I'm at 35, which is old 11.
At 11:04am on September 6, 2009, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
That's bittersweet "good" news.
However; if you guys don't want to see this guy's record expunged at the end of his parole, you need to go to the sentencing phase and ask the judge to BAR HIM from ever serving on a fire department again. If you don't, he will show up somewhere else after he gets out.
As far as the chief and wife stealing money; having a husband/wife team or any relative that handles money is a bad thing. There should always be two signatures on checks; checks written should be stated at the next meeting and an audit every year should be done.
Man; the department has had a rough go, but with the right people, they will pick it up and be stronger and better.
Get out there and start to re-build the public trust.
You have the support of an entire nation's fire service.
It's times like this where you find out where your brothers and sisters are.
At 12:49pm on May 9, 2009, St Wood said…
Thanks Bob, That info will be of interest to us.
At 9:08pm on August 9, 2008, Christopher Gibson said…
Hey Cuz all is great here. I hope all is good with you and Judy. Keep in touch, Great to see some family on here
At 7:51pm on July 22, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey mate just wanting to say hello and wondering if you are able to send me 1 xl fd tshirt and and 2 fd patches as i am a patch collector stay safe
At 11:55pm on July 18, 2008, BB said…
I think i saw Joe Boo!! Nice pics Bob. Good job!!!!!
At 6:51pm on June 12, 2008, PJ Fortuner said…
Yeah some days I could even spell. How's things home?
At 6:27pm on June 12, 2008, Bob Kinne said…
There, Steve, how's that ... I even included "camera-shy Carl"
At 5:36pm on June 12, 2008, Steve Wright said…
Hey Bob great slide show but you need to have some more pics with me in them!!
At 1:22pm on May 26, 2008, AVI LAP said…
As part of the Law enforcement community you are more then welcome to join Police Facebook - Worldwide Social Network for active and retired law enforcement officers, volunteers & supporters.
Avi Lap

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