MOSS POINT, Miss. - A Moss Point firefighter has requested assistance from the NAACP after he said he found a "hangman's noose" in his living quarters at the fire department.

Capt. Rodger Mann tells The Sun Herald Thursday that he first reported the incident to the city on March 3, two days after he said he made the discovery.

He hasn't returned to work since, saying he's used up all of his accrued off time and has been refused further time off with pay despite a request to the city.

FBI Special Agent Tye Breedlove said that his agency had been informed of the incident, though he could neither confirm or deny whether they were investigating.

Information from: The Sun Herald,

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Very well said!
Oh wow, this is the first I've heard of this incident...

Here's a couple more links with a little more info than what the main article gives. Apparently this isn't an isolated incident and has happened more than once.

Video Link

Moss Point is down here on coastal MS with me, in fact the opposite side of the county. It's a majority African American city that faces all sorts of leadership issues. They're constantly understaffed, the salary is minimal, their central station is around 100 years old and falling to pieces (a new station is in progress I do believe), police force is always overwhelmed, and now some bullheaded firemen think that it's ok to do what has been done. I don't know the city is in such bad shape, it could be budget and money issues, leadership in the city, or a nasty combination of the two.

I know a few of the line officers over at MPFD and they have some great officers over there despite the conditions they have to work in. I don't know every firefighter over there, but the ones I do know say making chicken salad out of chicken sh** is a daily ritual. Nobody should have to put up with that kind of ignorance whether it be a joke or not. There's a fine line with practical jokes and if this was done as a joke, the line was overstepped. If it was done as to serve another purpose then that's all whole different monster.

In all actuality though, the firemen involved will probably see no more than a slap on the wrist at best. It's just the way Moss Point operates.
I would like to remind everyone commenting that you may be extending your opinion and passion on nothing more than an ALLEGED incident.
There is a news article reporting an incident that was reported to them.
There is an investigation on-going; the results that are not in yet.
So; to re-cap; it is not a hate crime, it is not a rascist jesture, it is not a joke, it is not anything more than an allegation at this point.
If some of you would take the time to read the thread and the related links, you would KNOW that before offering your ill-guided, reactive and collective indignations.
Personally, I refuse to be embarassed by what could be nothing more than a cry for attention. Allegedly.
And if you are driving a Toyota, take it in for a check up.
Very well written account of what the departments culture and socioeconomics played in this mess.
Courage, perhaps? Knowing what is likely to come next, can sometimes be worse.
Well...this is difficult....I think I will wait to comment until the investigation is done....something just doesn't smell right about this.......Sort of like the Prius reports.......Paul
Here's an update on the noose story for those following. Sorry if it makes you register or log in to see the article.
Oh here we go again, an early fall-"the nuts are falling from the trees". if they are still available i hope somebody reads what i wrote on this subject a year ago (Art, direct them if you please). I'm going to go out on a limb for a second and assume that this happened to me. If my comment offends some, TOO BAD. I have been black long enough to know that racism is part of being black and since I cannot stop it I have to deal with it so whats the answer? First you must realize that the NAACP is not going to stop everything bad that hapeens to black people and they only have so many reasources to throw at this problem and what do you really want to happen? the guilty to be punished? (yes) a change within the department that eliminates racism? (yes). Ok, how do you do that, by putting out a memo from the chief saying bla-bla-bla this will not be tolorated? ok BTW most departments alredy have that in place its called a mission statement, its signed by the chief of personnel and it allredy has in it that the department does not tolorate racism, WELL, glad that's done because the department is covered "in writing" and oh BTW-it didnt work because the policy does not control or change what people "really" think. so how do you change that? By a court order? By a cash payout? (how does money to an offended party stop racism?) Being the victim of an overt racist act, I know that when I was asked by the chief "what i wanted", I asked him if he were me what would "he" want? The man was dumbfounded and COULD NOT answer...not didn't answer, he "could not answer" and I called him on it by telling him that if you cannot relate to how I feel right now, no amout of money will make me feel better or change a damn thing in "your" department. My solution to a noose would be simple, I would post a sign in place of where the noose was found quoting Elenor Roosevelt,"NOBODY CAN MAKE ME FEEL INFERIOR WITHOUT MY PERMISSION" and sign it then move on because if I leave the department (with or without a settelment check) the racist win, so i'd STAY and become successful because SUCCESS IS THE GREATEST REVENGE IN THE WORLD. So my advice to the firefighter (one brother to another would be) go back to work and be the best because right now the guy that put the noose there is laughing and saying "one down, more to go" GO BACK TO WORK AND WIN! Because every day you are at home THEY WIN BECAUSE YOU GOT OUT AND "HE" STAYED...As usual all comments are welcome and encouraged, how else are to grow as professionals
Is this2010 or 1862,what the hell is wrong with the Asshole who did this. The man who put up the noose should be looking at his Brother as a man who has his back,not one who deserves this kind of treatment. The Dept. should get rid of this so called person and drive his ass clear out of town,county and state.
I see we've gone from "charged = guilty" to "investigation of something that may have happened = guilty". There are so many dumb-asses here who jump to conclusions I need a score card to keep track.
Don't be silly West Philly... This must be the 'social side' of the FFN? Seriously, no reasonable person could ever regard this as being nothing but ignorance and hate, and this is the fire service? With minimal info still not coming forward, this too shall remain inthe Prius file...

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