If you could work at any fire department in the country, where would it be ?

I have not seen this on here so lets try a new discussion. I started late in the field but if I could , I would love to be in the Denver area . Maybe Westminster or Thornton fire depatments would be good since I grew up there . I knew allot of the Westminster f.f. 's while I was young as a friends dad was on the dept . They always had a great dept. Where would you be and why?

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I'm currently a part of the fire department from the "next town over" so to speak. When I asked my Cheif to join he knew I had a fair distance to travel (25 km or 15 miles) to reach scenes. Which on the same hand meant I usually wouldn't be a first responder (although it has happened a few times). Knowing full well I might have a rougher road to get to my hall, they still welcomed me with open arms. There were alot of my dept asking why I didn't just join Rocky (the firehall is down my street maybe ten blocks). I was also told it would be fine if I wanted to transfer. I couldn't bear the thought!!! My brothers and sisters in Leslieville welcomed me no questions asked, have taught me alot (and yes I will always be learning more and very grateful to have the opportunity) and I couldn't bear the thought of abandoning my fellow firemen and women. Yes, it would be more logical for me to be on the Rocky FD, and I'm sure they're a great team as are we, but I guess I'm just too loyal to the department that accepted me in the first place.

So, with my long-windedness through, I wouldn't leave my FD for anything. My husband has been so supportive to say when the time comes to buy a house, we'll look for something a little closer to my fire hall to accomidate my dreams, and I appreciate that to an extent he'll never really understand I'm sure. Although I know all our halls around are great, I'm quite content staying right where I am and growing as a firefighter, mom, wife, and Human (in no particular order) right where I am :)
Although I am only 19, I have grown up in the Fire service, from messing around the station as a little kid, to washing fire trucks and hoses as a Junior FF, to packing up on my first house fire the day after I was voted into the department officially. I love being a Volunteer FF. But still as a youngin, I have to say that I would love to work with Nashville Fire. As a student at on of the colleges in Nashville I see them almost everyday rushing to calls. Station 17 is like 4 blocks from my college, so I hear them when they leave out, and all I can do is dream!
you talk big now but just get the first pay check... me thinkest you might have a change in heart about the helmets brother... :D CBz
Hmmm... let's see... I could work back east where it snows...

but then again there is always Maui...

I'd pick Maui Fire Department...

I have three choices, Darlington, where I am now, New York or Baltimore City!
I grew up in San Diego, Ca and I would have to say that I would like to work somewhere in San Diego County. The climate there is perfect, call variety is good and wildland is present. I just dont want to live in Ca.
I love where I'm at...but the one department I would love to work for would be Sacramento Metro Fire. My grandfather was the training officer for one of the old departments that make up the current dept.
Though i love my Vol dept i am with in IL im looking to go to a paid dept. in a larger city. I would love to Work for the FDNY or at the very least test for that Dept. If not there i would love to return to HI. that is were i grew up and would love to work there as well.

So My choices would be.

2. Chicago
3 a dept in HI.
If I was no longer able to fight fire in Lubbock, my choices would be:
1. Chicago
2. Kauai County, HI
3. Fort Worth, TX
I want to go to work on a department that is in a big enough town that I can get shot and it wont even make the front page of the paper.

I know that probably isnt a good thing to wish for. But I have lived in small towns all my life and I get along with people in the big cities alot better. I guess its more of the fact of everyone doesnt know everything you do.
I work there now.
Easy one for me. Baltimore City FD. I really like where I work now, but Baltimore is my hometown and I love it. 

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