If you could work at any fire department in the country, where would it be ?

I have not seen this on here so lets try a new discussion. I started late in the field but if I could , I would love to be in the Denver area . Maybe Westminster or Thornton fire depatments would be good since I grew up there . I knew allot of the Westminster f.f. 's while I was young as a friends dad was on the dept . They always had a great dept. Where would you be and why?

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Ray, as I have been with my Department for almost 30 years I would say right here. I grew up here in Brookings. To grow up here and know many of the people here has been a great benefit to my career. I love this community and will have the opportunity to retire at this station in a couple of years. Who could ask for anything more.
I love the Dept im with...We may have a few problems but thats my fam. my brothers and sisters. I love them all I dont wanna leave them
i want a long career in the fire service but i have 2 goals in it i would like to spend some time in california and i would like to test for nyfd i dont think that i would get hired so it would be an honor just to test but i would like to stay in texas so dallas/ft worth area if not i guess oklahoma city would be close enough
No doubt about it. Pearl Harbor, HI. I was stationed there in the Navy and I am STILL in love with the place!!
Nice Post, its a relief to see some new topics finally being posted!

Ummm.... thats a really good question. I mean who wouldn't like to go be a ff down in Hawaii or something like that? lol If I choose to stay in the region I am in (northwest indiana), I would love to be able to get hired in at Portage FD. They are a very well respected dept. in the area with alot of real good guys. FDNY would be cool cuz yeah... its the FDNY! Me and my gf have talked about moving to Arizona a little bit and I certainly wouldn't mind working for Phoenix.
I'm happy where I'm at. This is my hometown and grew up knowing this area and I was lucky enough to get hired. Although I was ready to go anywhere.

Although the thing with such a question is for those already affiliated, maybe not their "dream job" but the grass is not always greener on the other side. In my travels and visits, talking shop and so forth, there are more commonalities than differences. We all have problems and issues and I have seen people leave for their "dream dept" only to want back on. Same thing with such depts like FDNY...I have tested for them and wanted to go there once too, but despite everything involved, there are guys on FDNY looking to go elsewhere. One was a former classmate of mine who was hired on FDNY and is now looking to come back to WI.

Hey to each their own. Every place has good points, every place has problems, it is what you make of it.
My feelings exactly John. Your last line says it all.
DCFD. To bad I'm a little over on their maximum age limit.
not if the new legislation stands
love be a volunteer in little valley but for a paid dept it would be FDNY
Being a volly is great. I can set my own hours and all but I have always envied Pheonix AZ. I don't know why but there's just something about that dept. that I like.
Maybe off topic, maybe not....I've never imagined where I would go paid, because my heart is in EMS first. That being said, I would volunteer anywhere I worked, and two places that have looked very enticing (and who knows, maybe I'll make the move someday) are Austin/Travis County EMS in Texas, and Wake County EMS in Raleigh, NC. Both of those cities are obviously paid, but I would volunteer in whatever suburbs I chose to live outside those cities. It would be a change, though. Those counties are much busier, even the volunteer dept.'s than central PA, and I've looked into them...they do duty crews rather than come when called, so it would be an adjustment, but there's my .02 cents.

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