im getting my first tattoo middle of june and i want it to deal with the fire department any ideas would be greatfull thank you

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So what you are saying is that you have scheduled an appointment for June, but don't know what you want?
I would say call off the appt.,until you KNOW what you want beforehand. Remember, this is going to be apart of your life forever, and not something you choose at the last minute or asking others for ideas in case they come up with something "cooler". Not saying that you should not ask people fro advice or ideas, I'm just saying ask them BEFORE you make an appointment. I have tats(3) and they were well thought of before I called to get a seat. I don't regret any of them and would not change them.
Just saying that it might be a good idea to be sure what you want instead of coming up with something on the spot.
I am not much of a "tat" fan to begin with. One is alright, I guess, hubby has one, but more than that and it is just a "yuck" factor for me.

That said make sure if you are on a department that it doesn't ban "tats". LACoFD does, LAFD doesn't. So each jurisdiction is different. I can understand why because I don't think someone that has "tats" going straight up to the neckline and down the arms to the wrist is very professional looking in my opinion. That is just me. I work in an ER so I get to see "tats" in places that I would NEVER, EVER think of doing that kind of thing with a very sharp needle. Must have had a lot of something in them to do that. Yikes!!!

Anyway, good luck and like Derek said, make it something that is specific to you. It will be there forever.
Check out That site is dedicated to fire service tattoos. That's where I came up with the basic idea of what I wanted
get something thats you,and something to do with fire the moltees cross with your number in it or something like that...i got to of the but it has nothing to do with the dept.i think the next one i get is going to do something with the dept....
im gettin my 1st tattoo in a few weeks... im gettin the numbers 343 over my heart with the words "all give some... some gave all" surroundin it. it means alot to me. if you're gettin a tattoo, make it something that shows who you are and what you stand for.
If you are think of going the career FD route do a couple of things before you get that tattoo.
1. Check with the dept. you would like to work for and make sure that a tattoo isn't an atomatic DQ. Remember though that that policy could change.

2. If you go through with this, at least put it someplace were it doesn't show when wearing normal clothing. SDFD, to my knowledge doesn't have a policy yet but the PD does and grandfathered all officers. Tattos can not be visible while on duty.
I agree you should wait until you know what you want, then wait a few more months to see if you still want it. Also, remember the impact tattoos have on a lot of people:

What ever you get make sure its not to small or big for the area your getting tattood. I would ask the artest what size he/she thinks would look good. Don't rush into a tattoo take the time to find something thats you. BTW go black and grey
LMAO..... I can't even tell you how accurate this is...Damn. Def' think through details before getting inked.
What about the chest area espically on women?
The best advice I can give, other than what has already been said, is avoid any part of the body where the bones are close to the surface. I have 12 tat's, two of which are fire related, and I'm here to tell you bones hurt pretty bad. My biggest one is on my ribs, and that was the only one I couldn't get finished in one sitting.

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