Give your opinion which kind of helmet do you like best i like the leather helmets because of their historical value but thats just me give your thoughts on this subject
My first helmet was a Cairnes leather in the 70s then the county advised that Metro helmets would be issued to all fire personnel. I still have have a issued Metro but at home I have a leather and my own Metro that were my personal backup helmets.
There is a mix of helmets styles in my station that are allowed by the county standards.
I like the one that is not part of this discussion that has happened too many times. How many times do we need to ask this question? What's next? Smooth bore vs. fog nozzle?
I like my old Houston leather.Had it for quite awhile now and it is heavy,but I think the brim is a little bigger and gives just a shade more protection down the back of my neck.Dept. doesn't have any standard helmets,just have to meet NFPA standards.