what is everones favorite brand of rescue / extrication tools

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Our primary tool is Holmatro but we have an 80's model HURST that we carry on our Engine Company as a back-up. The HURST has been and still is a very dependable tool but it is very heavy and ackward for our probies who aren't use to the older tools and it is not set up for airbag use. One of our neighboring departments uses AMKUS which is a nice, lightweight unit. Does any body know anything about the little portable PowerHawk unit that came out a few years ago ? Seems like it would be great for a Service/Utility Truck.
I thought that I would let you all know that after a year and a few months we FINNALLY got our tools to WORK, It took a lot of complaining and Bi***ing to get TNT to get them to work. Hopefully they will work like they have promised but we will keep are eye on them to make sure. To everyone BE SAFE
Sorry I have miss spoke. I went back to work and tried the famous TNT tools and it IS STILL NOT WORKING. It must have been a quick fix and it lasted approx. 2 days. So the cycle continues you get what you pay for, which is not much.
We carry Genesis, electric pump with 2-100’ reels, also have a gas pump, cutter, spreader, 2 rams, mini cutter, plus a battery operated combi. Had them for 5 years now no problems. We purchased these because at the time they were the only ones that would cut the boron bars, now almost everyone has a unit that does. Somewhere I have seen a spec chart that has every mfg and who is compliant and who is not, if I find it I’ll post. Our original set, which we still carry, is a Lucas they got to be 20 years old, and still work great, they were sued and run out of business for being almost identical to Amkus. We have had operator problems, as the new has a 2 stage pump, a lot of guys stop and reposition when the tool stops, it takes some time to get it in your head that you need to let the slower/power stage work, but that is not the tools fault. I was at a conference some weeks back, a mfg had a generic quick coupler that mimics the core technology, has the best of both worlds, single point hookup, but still a standard hose. It was a little pricy at around $500 per set, buts that the fire service. Have to wait till they start making it for the farm service, price will be 1/3 as much.
We Use Amkus at Our Dept. It works great and we have no complaints we should have another set coming in in the next few day.
We use hurst at my dept . No complaints yet anyway.
Holmatro is my tool of choice. The two next closest rescues run Hurst so I'm very familiar with both. I have also used Genesis a few times. All good tools but you will tend to favor the ones you use more often due to the comfort level. A good rescue tech should try to familiarize themselves with the tools that are in use by neighboring companies for those mutual aid calls.
Has anyone used a battery powered rescue tool? There's at least three on the market now one using Dewalt battery packs, one using Bosch(i think) and a wearable battery pack.
I have used Holmatro's Battery operated Combi tool and their cutter. They are relatively light and compact. For some reason around thirty pounds sticks in my head. I think the would be a perfect compliment to any set of extrication tools. A rescuer could grab them and begin an extrication while the lines are being pulled and set up for the regular tools.
Holmatro uses 24 volt Dewalt batteries on their battery operated tools.
TNT baby
I have been an Extrication Instructor/ Rescue Specialist for 8 years and was die hard Amkus until along came GENESIS.. I have TRIED to break them and cant. Tool weight, tool strength, and performance is untouched by the competition. NO OTHER tool can say they have a cutter with NFPA all 9 ratings. I have a set thats 15 years old and will perform just like new....If youre looking to upgrade, then definately look into Genesis, you wont be disappointed.... and no Im not a Genesis dealer/salesman....I just use the piss out of them!!!

ANYWAYS, low pressure is a resource of the PAST!!! Hight pressure is the way to go!!!
they measured everything in the notch with the blades crossed.....not true numbers, you gotta take a look at the NFPA testing results of it...

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