We're all scared of something. Myself? Like Indian Jones, I'm petrified of snakes! I had one start chewing on my arm when I was about 13 and after that, never been the same. A call with snakes is the one thing that would DEFINITELY freeze me in my tracks. How about you? What call would/has stop(ped) you in your tracks? What scares you in the fire service?

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Stupid people. Never froze at a call or had real phobias but cant stand stupid people. Be Safe-Ish!
I think a lot of us would agree with this one Chief
The legislature.
Can't agree more with the chief.
I hate to work on the highway you get the dam rubber neckers that look then drive right at us. Or the ones that Blow by us at 70 mph. Things are almost completely out of are hands and in the hands of drivers who just don't care. We can do somethings to protect are selves but as a firefighter we know things can go wrong in a hurry.
The other thing is rats and mice, YUCK!!! Give me a snake any day they don't carry the dam plague or other things that about wipe out all of mindkind or bring on the dark ages.
at least it's not monkeys
You shouldn't be scared of these guys Chief. You're supposed to just do everything right on scene LOL!
The Government?
looking for drunk ppl in the woods after you arrive on scene for a T A, and there is no one in the vehicle and asked to look for them in woods. you never know what will happen these days.
i'm with you there to brother
Heights. Rather keep my feet on the ground if possible.
Too bad there's no cure for that...
When I got to my seasonal job as a Wildland Firefighter in Northern Alberta, we were warned about a guy that had just gotten out of jail and was put there because he would call Fish and Wildlife officers about some "problem" he was having, then after they arrived, he would stalk and hunt them taking pot shots at them in the woods. Can't say that would be fun. Something similar go through your head that night David?

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