It seems like there are a lot of people on the road today who do not know what to do when a vehicle with red lights and siren approaches.
Not long ago I was responding to a MVA (lights, siren) on a four-lane highway, passing a car on the left (who did NOT pull over) when a car coming the other way did the same thing and just about hit me head on!
Also this summer, I was driving an ambulance with CPR going on in the back, long trip to the ER, etc. Two morons in pickups towing trailers thought it was OK to slow down and pull halfway off the road. Now, on a two lane highway with blind curves and hills, this was just about the same as not pulling over at all.

How about it - is it just me or is there an epidemic out there?

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I always have liked Texas
Only if it is witnessed by the officer, and the District Attorney accepts the charge.
Our station sits on a busy two lane highway, and we can sit there while 3-4 cars continue on their way. How dare we slow them down from their journey.
it is a different world out there,people don't care any more .. places to go people to see.. red light yea not my problem and it is sad,,, Just going to have to drive safe and always be prepared for the stupid person.. My son is 19 and he pulls over and stop this is how I taught him.. He also understand it may be someone you love in there... Only if we all had that in the back of our heads when we don't pull over... Keep it safe...
Here in North Carolina it is the same. it seems that people just don't know what to do when any vehicle comes up on them with all the lights and sirens going. I am as guilty as the next guy for getting totally ticked off due to the idiots out there. No matter how much public info you place out there, how many lights or sirens you have, or how much training you have it all falls back to operation with due reguard for everyones safety. We all need to go home safely to our families. It also falls back on the elder members and drivers of this industry be it fire, ems, rescue, or police to pass along helpful info to rookie drivers and to drivers that need to be re-educated ,i.e. the ones that drive like mad to and from the scene, the new member that thinks it's ok to run up behind and tailgate others on the way to a scene.
this one time we were pulling out of the station onto a fairly busiy street, there was a red light about 100 yards down the road though. the last of the cars were coming through(we had our lights on and siren screaming) and this really dumb girl stops right infront of the truck! its like gee how the heck are we supposed to get out now?!
I see it all the time in my town. Has anyoe ever been followed to a scene by a civillan? One followed me just to yell that he didn't feel I should be aloud to pass him...It was a CPR in progress call. The police officer took care of the moran so I could go do my job... He was still waiting o me when I got back from the ER to get my truck.
EXACTLY! Same thing here. You can even see their heads swiveling as they stare, not slowing down of course.

You can even see the text balloons on top of the cars: "I wonder what the hell that fire truck is doing in front of the station with its lights on?"
That and "Damn WOO WOOs!
Nope. Isn't you. Been there done that with assholes on the road. What pisses me off are all the rubberneckers that think they just HAVE to look" Oooh ahh what's that ?" Then CRASH!!! There's your secondary chain reaction accident because of stupididy.
Same thing happens all over the country i dont think that ppl are being tought right in drivers education anymore i know when i went through it back in like 1999 i was told that the only vehicle that you "MUST" yeild the right of way to are mail trucks and Police Vechiles, i was on the fire dept when that happend as a Junior FF and disputeded that with my teacher and almost got taken out of the class for being disorderly. but in the state of North Carolina since this was happening so much and no one was moving out of the way they adopted a penalty for not yeolding the right of way for any emergency vehicle while traviling with lights and sirens activated and also when they are on the side of the road you must slow to a near stop and move over one lane if aplicable if not you must stop and wait for them to tell you its ok to proceed this also includes DOT and Wreckers while on the road way. also as a Military Police Officer th same thing happens when i a Running Code to calls light and sirens they either Stop in the Middle of the Road speed up or slow down i have noticed that alot its lke it confuses the crap out of them but i have also had the ones that know how to drive an pull over as far over the the right side of the road as possible. one thing i have also noticed as we all know our Engines doen go all that fast specially the ones that are still standard shift and ppl passing you while your running code what is that crap all about i think someone needs to moitor this and start imposing fines for all of it it is just not right. but in the state of North Carolina the Fine is like 250+ depending on the officer with 250 being the lowest fine. i just dont get it.. i even had a call one night and one of the roads i travle to the station has a blind curve almost 90 degrees and i had a guy continue to drive in front of me turned right and then stop on this curve talk about a pissed dude i was running to a working house fire with possiblw life hazard and missed out first due had to take second engine and when the first engine came towards me he still sat there then after the engine passed he finnaly figured it out and moved up then pulled into some drivewa i honestly thing he was a drunk and though that i was the cops back then and was pulling him over lol jk but that is just one of my experiences the gov needs to do something about it well that is im getting to heated on this
I have this theory that lights and sirens make a truck invisible. It has seemed to have gotten a lot worse here lately.

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