Why dont people say thank you to the FireFighters, Rescue, EMS and First Responders more often than what they really do? The only time its really said is when there needed. Many people dont understand the strees and danger that comes with the job. If you notice other then when there is a disaster that needs tending to or a death of one of our brothers and sisters we remain unnoticed. this also happenes when small departments in small towns lose a member of the family and many of us are never aware of it.

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I really don't think anyone is in it for the Thanks.The whole point was it would be nice to just hear it once in a while.
I think the reason, that people in the EMS and firefighting fields don't get thanked, is because it is expected of us to do that job of saving someone or putting out a fire. Plus are we really in it to be thanked, sure it is nice but we are in it to help people am right or wrong. That is just my opinion feel free to tell me what you feel about what I think.
As you can see I didnt read what kevin king wrote, but I totally agree with him.
I do have one thing to say though. There are two guys at our department that went to a cardiac arrest for a young boy,and saved him. he has a condition and is not expected to live very long, but for the past two years the boy and his mom and dad have come up on their shift, and brought their shift cookies and cupcakes, so I think depending on the emergency it will be out of site out of mind.
must say... that is really effed up!!!
i don't know if it's b/c my fd is in a larger town or what but time after time we have ppl bring us out food and drinks for jobs we have. alot of the times when we have cpr saves the person we save will come to our monthly meeting open to the public. alot of times when we go out to dinner, people stop us and thank us!
however, when it comes time to ppass the budget, everyone votes it down!!!!!!!!!!
I think that finchie is right people usually don't thank us because they feel we are just doing our jobs wether paid or vollie. yes i know it would be nice to hear it every now and again but i became a firefighter to help people not to have my back get sore from people patting me on it.
Thank you's and offerings of gratitude are greatly appreciated but I think the main issue is being overlooked here.

When it comes to paid firefighters, I have absolutely no idea what kind of salary they earn. But when it comes to EMS, I definitely know that a salary of just a bit more than minimum wage is uncalled for. Once again, we have to look at the danger we put our selves in every time those tones drop and the stresses we gain by seeing people that are hurt or dying and serving them in the middle of the nite in extremely strange places. If you study to become a paramedic, the first thing they teach you about is medical command. In that, they explain that the paramedic is an extension of a physician. They work under the supervision of physicians and perform some of the very same things that they do in a hospital. Paramedics and EMTs have a higher priority than some nurses due to the fact that they work under protocols. But yet, they are still paid like they are taxi drivers for the sick and injured. Performing duties of doctors and nurses, but being treated like the lowest thing in the career chain. In my opinion, that is uncalled for and can be seen as disrespectful but unfortunately I don't think it's gonna change any time soon.

And to tack on just one more thing, in Arizona they have programs set up for people to be trained as animal EMTs. The starting salary for one in this profession is double of what a paramedic with 20+years of experience in PA is paid.

Makes you think how much we are really appreciated when we do the same things as someone making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year...
When something never hits close to home people do not tend to realize the severity of a situation or the hazards of this job. Some people in our community think ff's are lazy and all we do is sleep and wash cars all day, they do not see how hard we really work on the scene. IT really bothers me when people speak bad about this profession I have to hold back from firing some bad words after them
people think this our job and don't need any thanks. well for most of us this is a volunteer job. people figure they pay for us to be there they own us. people have a bad mind set about us. we had best be there the second they call or they complain. but if we save their life do we get anything NO. so it brings up the point why do we do this? its a sense of pride but alittle thanks goes along way.
While we don't do this for the recognition, that was a little narrow-sighted. (Fracked up.)
The community that I am from is really very supportive. We hold 3 fund raisers a year, and they are all well attended. This year we had a water movement drill at one of our dry hydrant sites. When we showed up, the residents had a huge cook out going. Imagine the shock when they told us it was for us! Little things like that happen in our community all of the time. Some neighboring departments were at the drill as well and they were blown away at the level of support that we receive. One of the biggest thing to ever happen was when out assistant chief had a heart attack. We took him to the hospital and everything was going ok. Then in mid sentence he coded. He ER staff worked on him for almost 2 hrs before they got a heart beat back ( I think they shocked him 40 or so times). He is doing great 1 year later. I don't think that a busy ER staff with a full ER and only 1 doctor would have spent so much time on one patient, if it wasn't that he was a FF.

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