Why dont people say thank you to the FireFighters, Rescue, EMS and First Responders more often than what they really do? The only time its really said is when there needed. Many people dont understand the strees and danger that comes with the job. If you notice other then when there is a disaster that needs tending to or a death of one of our brothers and sisters we remain unnoticed. this also happenes when small departments in small towns lose a member of the family and many of us are never aware of it.

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Well... I think you answered your own question. We had a patient in full arrest at a car dealership (we had to wonder what from), and the Paramedic Supervisor happened to be across the street. He got there and literally brought the man back to life. The patient is now living without any problems from the incident. Afterward, the patient paid for a thank you ad in our newspaper to the staff at the car dealership for calling 911, and mentioned nothing about the 2 Paramedics, 1 EMT, and 5 MFRs that showed up to help. Not even a word about the Paramedic who saved his life!
I agree with you totally, there is little recognition by the majority for the services we provide. I know that none of us expect a pat on the back or a big thankyou card all the time for what we do, but a little thanks every now and gen doesnt hurt and as far as I am concerned its simple common courtesy to say thankyou.

My greatest thankyou comes from the look on the faces of the people that we help or save.
Guys I am not so sure about this--not saying you are wrong in your perceptions mind you but I am always amazed when our crew goes out somewhere --to dinner ,to buy groceries whatever---there is always someone who stops and says thank you for our service...it generally blow me away when I hear it. Maybe because in my day job as a Registered Nurse in the ED I don't hear it much at all...and I am bustin' my behind to take care of people the best way I can and we are frequently on the defensive because of high patient numbers and long wait times (we don't do it on purpose I promise). There's one ice cream vendor that refuses to charge us for ice cream and we are always prepared to pay. We have people we help stop by the station all the time and say thank you for helping them. I never expect a thank you but it is really nice to hear when it does happen.
Several years ago while at a different Dept.We had a Stucture fire that belonged to the editor of the local paper.We had a good response time,got most of the valuables out and contained the bulk of damage to one end of the home(smoking in bed still aint very smart)anyway saved the jewels,guns,photo albums you know the important stuff.A couple of days later the paper came out and this individual slammed us because we got the funiture wet,ruined the carpet smoked up the house and left the front door open when we left.Hows that for Thanks for saving my home?Gratitude is suffering a slow death in this society no one has time to teach things like right from wrong,manners and such to the children anymore.
I have a personal opinion on this matter. A lot of tax payers don't see us directly affecting them. They dont see behind the scenes that they shop in places that meet fire codes, or that we are their at a moments notice. In a general lifetime, a resident is lucky to be graced with our presence for an emergency 2 times. Thats a National study, not my opinion. When we show up, they see us in action. They appreciate us. 2 years later their fire is out of site, out of mind, and the appreciation is gone again. They see firefighters during non call times hanging out at the firehouse, or paid guys playing some basketball to unwind. They see hollywood movies that show us screwing off a lot. They don't have an insiders view of our broad and harsh reality. All they know is they pay this "fire tax" and they dont understand why because "they would never have a fire" After 9-11 the firefighters across the globe gained recognition. They saw our brothers die. They understood the risk we assume. But again, less than 2 years later, we were again out of sight out of mind. It is unfortunate that we live in a Reactive society, but thats todays society. All we can do is firefighters is suck it up, its not about to change.
This situation would have been very difficult to curtail a temper away from violance.
Where I am from everyone appreciates FireFighters, Rescue, EMS and First Responders. We are always being thanked, applauded, and told we are "heroes". It's not something we expect, however, it is nice to know we are appreciated!
Well, here and im sure in other places the fire department is the unseen unwanted necessity in the city. it seems like city thinks, yea we know they are there, but lets keep our mouths shut and maybe the fire department will go away. they complain our expenses are too high. Well, most departments dont buy a fire truck every year. Look at your police, they buys cars every year. Our trucks usually have to last us 20+ years. Gear sometimes just as long. The community as far as I can tell, seems oblivious to us until they need our services. We are in the kids eyes everyday, They love us but fall on deaf ears to the adults. We continue our jobs without thanks because its in our hearts to serve.
We are very lucky here, so many times people have brought hot coffee on cold nights on a scene and things like that. This works both ways we also don't complain when someone calls saying the have a flood in their basement and we go and pump it out or a tree is laying across their yard 15 minutes with a saw goes a long way. We don't need an "emergency" to reach out to them as well
I think people now a day are too full of them selves. They are very selfish and they don't care about anybody but them selves. Is not till they go thru some type of tragedy or mishap before they realize how to appreciate people & life in general.
While you are right and everyone deserves a little gratitude Have you said thank you to you garbage man lately? or when you take your child to the doctor have you thanked him or her for the years and 1000s $ they have spent in training to help your child. Do you know how many taxi drivers are killed a year in the line of duty or Iron workers?

I know that might sound bitter sorry dont mean that way but if we are doing this for the thank you then maybe we need to look at ourselves.
Good point Dan I agree. Most of us are not in it for the thank yous. If that were the case we would all be some bitter firefighters.

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