This was always my biggest nightmare

Another tragedy is hitting too close to home for Station 8 of the Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department. Last year, one of its firefighters lost both legs in an accident. On Thursday, the daughter of the station's fire captain was killed in a crash the firefighters were sent to in northwest Harris County.

I don't believe that my children ever really understood why I was always so anal about their driving habits and those of their friends. Now that two of them are involved in the business, I think they have come to realize what parents involved in public safety think about every time the tones go off for a collision and our children are out and about, could it be one of them?

My condolences and prayers go to Capt. Rodriguez and his family, as well as all the brothers and sisters of Station 8.

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Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 22, 2010 at 2:26am
My sympathies, thoughts and prayers, to these families and your department. When a member of one of our department families is injured or dies, it is a injury and death to the entire department. I love my colleagues children like my own - their families are my family. No one should ever have to experience such devastation.

And it is not anal to teach our children what we know, it is just good parenting !!! Our world often lacks good parenting.

To trainer: She was lucky to have you be the last caring considerate person to be with her at or near the time when she passed on. I can tell by the tone of your note that you cared deeply for her, and at the point of each of our deaths, that is exactly who we want near us.

We can not usually pick the point of our deaths, and we often can not pick who will be with us leading up to that point, but I am sure if she had a list of people to pick from - you would have been near the top of her list.

One does not pick a best friend, without usually having an affinity for those who raised that best friend.
Comment by Trainer on February 13, 2010 at 7:05pm
Oldman, I'm with ya..

My oldest daughter's best friend was killed in a semi vs car about 10 years ago, we went for MA as extraction is our specialty, long story short; I was the last to see her alive, bothers me to this day.

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