Melinda Horn
  • Female
  • Hot Springs National Park, AR
  • United States
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  • john hull
  • Cheryl Borum
  • Mike Gemberling
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  • Pat Galletta #5
  • Andy
  • Joshua Gumpenberger
  • WRFD 784
  • Paul Ostrem
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  • Tim Meckler # 575
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  • Ray Edwards
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Military/Federal Response Agency
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
US Forest Service AD
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I'm also a volunteer with Mt. Pine Fire Dept.
My Training:
I have had all the Modules and have taken Structure 1-4. I'm signed up for LP Gas & Flammable Liquids. That's the only one I'm missing for my advanced. I've had auto extrication, Hazmat Awareness & Ops. I'm a scuba instructor & I've assisted the Garland CO SO with Search & Recovery. I've had all the classes for advanced wildland firefighter. I used to go out on hand crews & engines, but I'm getting too old to dig line & carry a chain saw around all day. I think I was getting carpel tunnel, it was making my hands fall asleep. That's not good when you're a massage therapist. I go out now through the Buffal River National Park Service as a Radio Operator or as a Line EMT. I have my task books for Medical Unit Leader, ABRO (Air base radio operator), & INCM (Incident communication manager).
About Me:
I'm a Jane of all trades. I do stucture fires with 2 volunteer fire depts. and I go out to US Forest Service fires when called. I'm a licensed massage therapist in AR, & TX. I do permanent cosmetic tattooing & piercings. I teach scuba & karate. I had a friend that asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up and I told her that I wasn't going to grow up. I like having different jobs so I don't get bored with just one.
I will stop and pick up any stray animal that I see and find it a home or take it to a no kill rescue.
Day Job:
Massage Therapist & Scuba Instructor
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Since I was a scuba instructor I had the DAN O2 class and worked in the county. A friend of mine was on Piney Vol. Fire Dept. and asked if I could join as a First Responder. I took the First Responder class at Camden and then went on to take my EMT. I later took my wildland classes and started going out with the Forest Service. I just got into Structure fires about 5 years ago. I went about things backwards I guess. Most people join a vol. fire dept and learn to be a firefighter then first responder. What can I say? I'm backwards that way.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to travel all over the US to help people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I have to deal with rough terrain and weather out west when I go out as a line EMT. I just went through a hurricane evacuation when I was working on the Oil Spill clean up. Thank goodness Bonnie wasn't what they thought she would be.

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At 10:21pm on February 13, 2014, Ray Edwards said…
Are you still on Oak Grove. Heard about the Chief. Praying he will be ok. God Bless
At 11:46am on March 19, 2010, Cheryl Borum said…
Hey Mel. How's it going?
At 8:06am on September 14, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
How is everything going? Not much going on here. Are you still on fires?
Take Care and Be Safe.
Jeremy Black WRFD
At 5:46am on August 13, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
They were a mixture of almost everything from house, grass to hay stacks. It was crazy. We have a found through our department that helps people out when thye lose a house and we end up giving them money to get things going again. Its not much but anything helps. We are going to start doing a fund raiser every year to raise more money for this fund so that we can give even more. Talk to you later.
Take Care and Be Safe.
At 1:13am on August 12, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
Take Care and Be Safe.
At 1:13am on August 12, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
I was just thinking about you and was wondering how thigns were going but it looks like you beet me to the question. Is there still alot of fires going right now? We just had a storm come through or distract and we ended up with 13 fires in 2 days. This is alot for my department. We are starting to calm down now but people are people and they will start more.
At 8:35pm on August 11, 2009, Ray Edwards said…
You can order the decal on for $5.00 . It is item number ex525.Or you can print a copy and have it make localy if you prefer . .I will try to e-mail it to you . Thanks for the compliments and be safe . God Bless.
At 6:37am on April 27, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
Just seeing if you are still in TX. Hope you are not working to hard. Talk to you later.
Take Care and Be Safe.
Jeremy WRFD 784
At 6:26am on April 16, 2009, WRFD 784 said…
My day is just getting over with. I work graveyard. I am ready to go to bed. Hope you have a great day also.

Take Care and most of all Be Safe.
Jeremy WRFD 784
At 4:24pm on April 6, 2009, Bill Claus said…
Welcome to the Nation from Iowa. Sounds like you stay very busy. Be safe out there and take care.

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