We are trying too get info from other parents of jr firefighters or cadets.What training does your dept. offer.What can your kids do?We have a great program that teaches safety first.We teach them to respect the situation. My daughter started at 13 and is now 15. She wants to be an emt and firefighter.Her experiance will help her when she turns 18 and can join and go in the hot zone.Be safe.

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Comment by Ray Edwards on September 9, 2008 at 11:42pm
Again, I believe if you start them young, they will know if it is for them.Be safe all.Remember 9-11
Comment by Damon Dyer on September 9, 2008 at 6:14pm
My daughter was a cadet for 3 years and she did a good job.
Comment by Erikka on September 8, 2008 at 3:21pm
Yes, even though it's through BSA they still allow girls to participate and be part of it.
Comment by Ray Edwards on September 8, 2008 at 2:27pm
Mac, how old do your jr's have to be?Ours have to be 13 but again cannot go into the hot zone.Be safe.
Comment by Mac Conant on September 8, 2008 at 10:17am
We dont have younger JR's. But as a Jr you can do everything short of going into the fire and traffic control until your 18. And once your 18 you should go to basic and once out of basic Fire you can go right in and you 100% FF
Comment by Ray Edwards on September 7, 2008 at 5:24pm
Glad to see other depts. assisting our next generation of firefighter.The earlier we can start them, The more they can learn to assist them as they get older.This also gets them an idea of what it is going to be like to help them decide if it is right for them.God Bless or next generation.Be safe.
Comment by Keisha Broach on September 7, 2008 at 7:26am
So can girls become explorers if the program is through BSA?
Comment by Erikka on September 6, 2008 at 11:40am
With our cadet program our explorers are insured through Boy Scouts of America. In our program we only accept explorers from the age of 14-18, after 18 they expected to get training and a job if they want to continue on. This allows them to do many things on scene and at the station. They cannot go any higher than 30ft on ladders. Once on the fire scene they are allowed to do most anything they are capable of except going interior. We allow them to man hose lines, dress hydrants, get tools and equipment needed, change bottles, and help with rehab. They must attend all meetings and trainings in order to have this privilege though. We start out each new explorer on a probation period for them to show us what they can do. It is required that they are checked off on all apparatus before they are allowed to begin the ride along program. We also supply our explorers with pagers so they can stay up to date with meetings, shifts, runs and we can contact them if need be. Hope this helped.
Comment by Joe Stoltz on September 6, 2008 at 7:29am
Here, our junior members can participate in some drills, and on-scene functions such as SCBA tank change-out and rehab, but nothing involving IDLH situations. At 16 they become restricted active members and can help on the fireground with carrying ladders, manning master streams, helping with hose line advancement and other tasks outside a structure or hot zone.

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