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Matt's Friends

  • Brian Schneider
  • Rapp
  • Doyle
  • Joseph Covington
  • David Ebel
  • Big Country
  • Jacob Luffman
  • Cornbread
  • Juan Vasquez
  • Michael Majors
  • Wade Kunstmann
  • junior
  • Butch McCurdy
  • 74 Truck
  • Kell Jackson

Matt's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, 911 Operator/Dispatcher, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Clarksville, Tn
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
First Responder
Extracation Technician
Fire Supression
Haz Mat
Incident Command
About Me:
Been around the fire service all my life, and now I finally have the greatest job in the world
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family tradition. My father helped start Cunningham Volunteer Fire Dept. which I have been a member of for about 3 years. I am now also a career firefighter with Clarksville Fire Rescue, along with my younger brother.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Everything from the relationships with my Brothers and Sisters within the fire dept to the cance to be the reason someone is still alive.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of fires, with new fire resistant materials homes are less likely to catch on fire (which is a good thing) the only drawback staying trained and keeping all members of the fire service on the same page when a fire does occur.

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Comment Wall (24 comments)

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At 8:18am on October 3, 2008, Bee said…
some awesome pictures and cute baby..stay safe
The bee
At 11:01pm on May 7, 2008, Jacob Luffman said…
Hey bud, yea I have been realy busy, sorry I have'nt got back with ya. Yea I was disapointed pretty bad. Man I flew threw the hydrant, hose carry, ladder, imprested the chief and R. Ellis with the venting hammer, no problems with the ladder carry, my DAMN boots kept getting hung up on the joist of the attic so I had to work extra hard lefting my feet higher, my regulator came undone when I entered the attic, and it kept hanging up. Sort of went down like a rock off a cliff. They made me stop to fix my reg. Then I hit the dummy hard and griped just like you said, but.... hit it so hard my helmet came loose and covered my face, I tried to thro it off but the harder I tried to thro it off the more R. Ellis tryed to keep it on (I know he was just trying to keep it out of my face, it was just hung up on my fat ass chin and would'nt come off or stay on. anyway, the dumbest move made was I removed my right hand to thro my helmet and the dummy slipped, I tryed to recover but I was petered out, could'nt breath (going to quit smoking), and just could not hold on. My dumb as droped it a good ways from the line. The f*%kin girl got it further than I did. But, I trained good on the mental, blew thru the test easy, did work out for the physical, its harder than it looks. But I know my mistakes now and will prepare better for it next year. Appreciate the help you and Brandon gave , sorry I let ya down. But if it was easy you would be working with girl scouts. Keep in touch. Oh if you know any body lookin' for a good bike I am puttin mine up for sale.. Asking 15k has arround 12K miles. we'll see ya arround. JT
At 5:46pm on May 2, 2008, Brian Schneider said…
Didnt do too good man. The dummy kicked my butt again. Theres always next year.
At 8:50pm on April 4, 2008, boots said…
Hey there! Good luck to you as well! I am so GLAD this is the last class! Yea, it's scary, Dover has a website, it's not the greatest, but it's!
At 2:28am on March 10, 2008, David Ebel said…
At 9:49am on March 3, 2008, Justin Hill said…
Thanks for the add. Stay safe out there.
At 12:00am on February 21, 2008, Big Country said…
now you know better then that, they could never make it that easy, they said it should be here tomorrow, but my luch it want be here till next week, as far as i know i dont have to pay for it, but i should find oout in the morning,lol,"Big Country"
At 5:53pm on February 20, 2008, Big Country said…
naw i never got it fixed , but i called toyota, and they r sending me a new part,and it should be here tomorrow,
At 10:44am on February 16, 2008, Jacob Luffman said…
hey Buddy, long time no see or hear, glad your alive. missed my fire buddy yesterday, no one to make fun of me on both fires I worked. I almost felt like a firefighter, but without you just wasn't the same....haha
Thanks for proclaiming being a Squirrel, I know exactly how you feel. I started this group just to lighten up some rookies and experianced alike with some good humor, great stories and maybe by accident some use ful knowledge. Welcome to the Fire Squirrels, start up a discussion or post comments or even some video or pics if youd like, whatever intrests you. Good and Bad discussions are welcome here. All of EMA is welcome here. From my family to yours have a great day. JT unit 1671
At 9:46pm on January 31, 2008, Big Country said…
hey big man , yea i got louie to build me a computer, lol it took him a while but he got it done, lol i still aint figured this out but i will ,

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