Jenny Holderby
  • 66, Female
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Jenny Holderby's Friends

  • Ted Nowland
  • Shannon Pieper, FireRescue Magazine
  • Charles Lawrence
  • John Bierling
  • Chief 29
  • Suz
  • Terry Ingram, Sr.
  • jerry baldwin
  • Sue Okenyi
  • Shay
  • Dennis Brown
  • Jason M.
  • united 289..{Dave}
  • Jessica Travis

Safety Officer RVFD

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
23 officially - women in the 70s in this are weren't allowed to be fire fighters
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rome Volunteer Fire Department, Proctorville
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Basic fire fighter, EMT, Structural & wild land fire fighting, Auto Extrication, Farm Rescue, Rural Water Movement, Hazardous Materials - operations/tech, Incident Safety Officer, Fire Department Health & Safety Officer, Managing Company Tactical Operations, Incident Command Systems, Incident Response to Terrorism, Challenges for Local Training Officers (NFA) Hazardous Materials Incident Management (NFA) Advanced Safety Operations Management (NFA)
About Me:
In the past 20+ yrs I have served as the
Secretary of my deaprtment,
Assistant to the Chief,
Junior Firefighter leader/training
and Safety Officer
I have attended local & regional training opportunities as well as the National Fire Academy on several occassions. I have done extensive research/writing/editing of fire & EMS articles & books.
Day Job:
I work in an academic Library
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My uncle was chief of our local VFD. I have been around emergency services as long as I can remember.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Somebody has to make a difference, or @ least try. I've been around a volley department literally all my life. Its different being one of the "old guys" these days.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
recruitment & retention, FUNDING, training, diverse calls, being prepared for things that don't happen here.

Jenny Holderby's Blog

random thoughts

Posted on February 23, 2009 at 10:20pm 0 Comments

I was just checking out some of the new discussions and reading blogs. I haven't had a chance to catch up in a while. It has been a long winter. I whine about ice & snow & cold weather, yet we have been lucky in our area to have had no more of Mother Nature's wrath than we have. I can't imagine what the folks in KY and other areas have gone through. I know I am not the only one ready for spring. At least the daylight hours are longer these lately. I noticed crocus poking through the… Continue

The end of a LONG difficult year

Posted on December 14, 2008 at 7:49pm 2 Comments

Last night my Fire Department held our annual Holiday dinner. It is the one time of the year when we get together away from the station. In the past few years we have had all kinds of issues with people being people and things not working out the way they should and some people going away with hurt feelings, angry or just didn't show up for the event at all.

As with many volunteer fire departments from time to time, we have had "cliques" or groups of members not always working with… Continue

'Tis the Season - Bah Humbug!! OR a Week in the Life of . . .

Posted on December 8, 2008 at 2:26am 2 Comments

Thanksgiving came and went. This was the first year I remember since my mother made me go to Indianna with my husband to his Mother's for the holdiay the year my Dad died, (1982) that my family wasn't together. Parts of us were. I guess it is time I realize that family isn't as important to others as it is to me.

Four days off tends to make me sluggish on Monday but it was off to work. It wasn't one of my better days. This is the beginning of the end . . . of the semester on Dec… Continue

Piercings & other thoughts

Posted on November 16, 2008 at 1:52pm 2 Comments

This is a reply I wrote to a discussion of "piercings". I thought it was worth repeating. You can agree or disagree but if you THINK about what I am saying, I have accomplished my mission. As always, this is my blog & if you don't want to read it, there is a little button there you can push so you can go back to another page & you don't have to read what I am thinking or how I feel about this topic.


Yes, I do know about steam burns, from experience. That… Continue

Marshall Memorial Service

Posted on November 15, 2008 at 3:56am 3 Comments

On November 14, 1970 Southern Airways Flight 932 crashed into a hillside near Huntington, WV. The plane departed from Greenville, NC where the Marshall University football team had played a game against Eastern Carolina University. All 75 people on board were killed including most of football team, the coaching staff, members of the media & several team supporters. It was a very sad day in the history of Huntington, and the entire tri-state area and one of if not THE biggest tradgedies to… Continue

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At 9:47pm on May 10, 2009, Terry Ingram, Sr. said…

At 2:49am on March 25, 2009, fireman1049 said…
Jenny, where i can i find the following classes u listed in a post in Command Safety?? Fire Department Incident Safety Officer which is a good class for all firefighters to have. FIRE DEPARTMENT HEALTH & SAFETY OFFICER is a longer class that is more indepth. I can also HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Advanced Safety Operations Management from the National Fire Academy.
I am interrested in the classes u listed and would like to participate in a class like those u mentioned for my own knowledge as well as for the bennefit of the dept and my fellow team mates.. thank you.. John
At 6:49pm on January 6, 2009, stacy snyder said…
hello how are you doing? hi my name is stacy snyder i am 26 years old and i am a fier fighter for bally . i love my job so what do you do with the fier co?
you are 50 right.
At 7:40pm on January 4, 2009, Dennis Brown said…
any time Jen may you have many wonderfull more
At 7:19pm on January 4, 2009, Alan said…
Your welcome. Hope you enjoyed your birthday
At 5:44pm on January 4, 2009, John Bierling said…
Hi Jenny, thanks for making me your friend.
At 10:36pm on January 2, 2009, Brian Dumser said…
Happy Birthday Jenny!
At 7:56pm on January 2, 2009, Alan said…
Happy Birthday Jenny and Happy New Year from Del
At 9:13am on January 2, 2009, John Bierling said…
Hello Jenny,
Please check out my web site:
Would you please send your email address so I can send some information about incident command training and responder wellness. Thanks, John
At 12:47am on January 2, 2009, Jay Nicholson said…
Happy Birthday and a Happy New Year to you

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