Texas HazMat
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  • Heath Hudson
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  • Ben "Batman" Barry
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
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  • Matthew Ratliff
  • Joey Paul
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  • Rodney Keith Shamblin
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Other Senior Command Staff, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, EMT - Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Started in 1976
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Kerrville FD
Bryan FD
Coastal Aruba FB
EmTech Hazmat
Garner Hazmat
USA Hazmat
Clean Harbors Hazmat
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Always did crazy thing loved to help people one day my grandmother said why don't you become a fireman. SO I DID.

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Posted on April 30, 2009 at 12:17pm 4 Comments

More links to gain information

Washington DC- In an effort to send a common message the USFA is working with Department of Homeland Security Office of Health Leadership and other Federal partners (FICEMS) to issue an EMS, Medical First Responder and 9-1-1 specific guidance document to the Nation’s first responders. This is a dynamic process and we will provide additional information as soon as we receive the appropriate agency(s) approval. In addition to the CDC… Continue

FYI: The National Library of Medicine has several new web pages on swine flu

Posted on April 28, 2009 at 10:28pm 0 Comments

Dear WISER Users:

FYI, the National Library of Medicine has several new web pages on swine flu:

Swine Flu


Comprehensive resource for health professionals on Federal Response, International Resources, Genetic Sequence Information, PubMed Searches, Veterinary Resources and Información en Español

Swine Flu - MedlinePlus


Information for the general… Continue

HOW TO: Track Swine Flu Online

Posted on April 27, 2009 at 12:43pm 2 Comments

There are few things in this world that cannot be easily replaced, repaired, or regained. Our health and the health of the ones we love falls into this category. The best thing we can do to protect our health, above medication or rest, is prevention.

This week, news broke of a new and fatal swine flu on the Mexico-U.S. border. It has quickly turned into a growing outbreak and possible pandemic. Knowing about these important and growing cases is vital to public health. Fortunately,… Continue

How swine flu spreads in humans

Posted on April 26, 2009 at 10:13pm 0 Comments

April 24, 2009

A new strain of influenza is infecting people in Mexico and the United States and may have killed up to 60 people in Mexico, global health officials said today.

The CDC has analyzed samples of the H1N1 virus from some of the U.S. patients, all of whom have recovered, and said it is a never-before-seen mixture of viruses from swine, birds and humans.

A new strain of influenza is infecting people in Mexico and the United States and may have killed… Continue

What You need to know about Swine Flue

Posted on April 26, 2009 at 3:25pm 1 Comment

Introduction:-- A new strain of swine flu that has killed as many as 81 and sickened more than 1,324 in Mexico has spread to the United States and is raising fears of a possible pandemic. Learn more about the disease and why it is causing concern among health officials.

What is it: -- Swine influenza is a respiratory disease of pigs first isolated in swine in 1930, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The illness is caused by four different type A influenza… Continue

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At 11:17am on December 20, 2008, Texas HazMat said…
There is nothing more exhilarating than to go round and round in a 65000 pound class A.
At 12:48am on September 2, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Hey Chief, You ok with the hurricane. Hope your doing well. Also, I just noted that you are with Houston FD. I had the opportunity years ago to visit your hazmat station, the one surrounded by barbed wire. Stopped there in my RV with my family and your guys treated my family like one of their own. Helped me fill my water tank and gave me a patch. You work with the best.
At 5:17pm on August 26, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
oh yea, one more thing, the article on Mercury was very well done and thought out. A typical response I have seen is the mom who catches the kids playing with the thermometer and then vacuums the house. buddies of mine with Region IX have shared some stories with me about how bad these calls can be. Your background in hazmat appears to be pretty well rounded. I am assuming that you might have an EPA background, Coast Guard or ? Does your department have a toxmedic program? I am trying to get one here in California and could use some help... Mike
At 5:11pm on August 26, 2008, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
I think your site is one of my favorite sites now. I thought I had access to cool hazmat photos... Your the man! I also thought your Texas Hazmat graphic was exceptionally cool. Let's see, what else... oh yea, anyone who likes the Rolling Stones... years ago, and I mean YEARS AGO, I was visiting my folks in Dallas and while driving on the LBJ freeway, heard the radio announcer put out a call for anyone who has EMS training to call a number to work at the Rolling Stones Concert. I was so there, and backstage to boot! Are you anywhere near Dallas?

I'm also into, very much into hazmat with a specific emphasis on the decontamination procedures used and protecting hospitals. My wife's a nurse... : )

I look forward to having the chance to get to know you and pick your brain!

In the interest of fire and life safety, Mike from Santa Barbara
At 4:06pm on March 26, 2008, Liz said…
At 1:41am on March 17, 2008, Jeff Vogel said…
I still keep in contact with Bobby Bread, Tracy Clark and even Butch Beardsley helped my with a class I was teaching for our Regional Haz Mat team last summer. I got hired at EmTech through Chip Day. I still see Chip ever now and then.
At 5:54pm on March 16, 2008, Jeff Vogel said…
Emtech, which Office? I worked out of the Ft.Worth Office till they closed in 1997.
At 11:53pm on March 10, 2008, Kirk D. Baughman said…
hey you are the first in texas i came across. i'am up in the panhandle area.
At 10:04am on February 13, 2008, Eric Cooper said…
He is actually a district chief now. I am completely confused on how this thing works the questions you asked did not appear on my page?? I will get it down soon.
At 9:44am on February 13, 2008, Wendy Jo said…

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