To promote the brotherhood, recuit new bagpipe players and share information for bagpipe bands.
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Latest Activity: May 30, 2017
Started by David A Sanders. Last reply by David A Sanders May 30, 2017. 9 Replies 0 Likes
Started by Bill States. Last reply by SMOKEnPipesJim Oct 27, 2014. 28 Replies 0 Likes
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Fellow Firefighters and Pipers, I am reaching out to to you to ask for your support. Our band is headed to Scotland to compete in the World Bagpipe Competition in Glasgow in August. We are offering these decals for $3:00 each or 2 for $5.00 to help offset the cost of buses to and from the Games. Our Band web site is, we are mostly fire/ems service and appreciate you help. For decals send sase, #63/4works but #10 envelope is better esp. for multiple decals. Leave message in my inbox and I will give you address to mail to.
Thank you in advance,
Gert, rest assured I was not trying to come across, The wrong way by stating that, Only that with the explosional/Growth of piping In general, fueled in part thanks to the internet (on many levels) One of my favorite websites of all time was an electronic Bagpipe Midi site which was one of several that were Forced down...My point is as much as I understand you'r wanting something "new and differant" If everyone out there played Ob-La-Di%2COb-La-Da-1.jpg on the bagpipes Imagine how much richer Paul McCartney would be?
Thanks Jim,
I am aware of the copyright aspect and in no means dont respect the work that goes into finding/rewriting tunes for the bagpipe.I am just no good at it meself and , trust me, I have tried and tried again (bringing out the tissues here). By the way, I really do enjoy this site......aint the internet wonderful in many ways?
Regards from abroad :-)
Gert, One aspect that we all need to consider but often do NOt is that some of Bergan County's Music is Copyrighted as they've recorded several Albums. Obviously In some ways, I've accounted for around about 270-280 Fire service related bands add with that a Guessed number of 350-400 Police bands worldwide,Civilain and Military Pipe bands and obviously the potential number to times youmight hear Scotland the Brave or Amazing Grace is enough to make anyone and realisticly how many Musicians will pen they're own music? (small percentage) so the next best thing is to do is "Look for" tunes that have Parts that are totally recognizable, within the scale ofthe pipes and how to make it "work" ... In Bergens' case they choose a couple good tunes, But then so have the red hot chili pipers... I've grasped a few of my own that you wouldnt expect from Classical to Elvis and more some of these things require you just to figure out something for goes along with the Music sharing sites that popped up 20 years ago, and the Tune writers who had to sue various Forums and venuesto protect they're own hard work.. In these days of everyone want ,but no one wants to work to get it ..I'll see If I can get a response, if I do I'll forward if Via this site..
I wonder if any of you guys can help me.
I am trying to get the scores for the Bergen County Firefighters Pipe Bands repertoire, the more "exotic" tunes, that is.
I havent had any luck trying to contact the band via homesite, Facebook etc. Even mailing the PM didnt do me any good, as my Yahoo mail couldnt deliver the mail (?).
Would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
May GOD Bless all our Brothers/Sisters this week of Fire Pevention and all year keep us safe and Alert,and for those who gave it thier all and never returned,may they be with GOD and thier souls REST IN PEACE,AMEN.
Good news, TheBand member doing the documentary on FDNY's emeralds 50 years Film did earn enough support to fund the Making of the movie Great news
Thanks for the link to the trailer! I'm looking forward to the documentary. A real inspiration!
Happy Birthday FDNY Pipes and Drums!
For those who don't know , 2012 is the 50th anniversary for the Emerald Society Band Of the Fire Department city Of New York, They were the 1st fire service pipe band in The U.S., They played the Ed Sullivan Show a couple years before The Beatles when they made they debut in the early... 60's this is a trailer to the Documentary we can expect out this fall..... yes several Charter Members still actively play with the band......which is astounding ....truely astounding.... Trailer
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