My Chief just got a grant for a new fire truck. He told the whole fire Dept. that there are only 3 people allowed to drive the new truck. That’s my first problem. I am the Third in Command the highest ranking Captain I live in the next town over about 15 min from the station. A lot of the times I am the only command on the fire seen. Wouldn’t it make since for them to let me use my light? I already have my truck fully equipped for my other dept in Arkansas. I could under stand if I was a rook but he made me Copt for a reason. I am a MP/Deputy/ and a firefighter I know the rules and regs. Any Kansas Firefighters what is the rules for pov lights in Kansas.

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First look at it in your chiefs eyes. Try to under stand why he said that, there might be a reason for it.
Cause some firefighters shouldn't drive if not proprly trained.

For the light and siren.
I don't allow my guys and females to us light and siren. Unless there 3 miles out of are township.
"guys and females?" that sounds a bit sexist.

Wouldn't "guys" be enough, since in English the masculine refers to both genders unless specifically stated otherwise?" Even "guys and gals" sounds better than "Guys and females."

Maybe the Best way to phrase it would be, " I don't allow my Firefighters to use lights and sirens."

As to the question in the forum....I think it's "New Car Fever" at play. Everyone wants to keep the new equipment pristine for as longas possible, that will loosen-up over time. Use your Chain of command and see if it would be okay for those three who can drive the new rig to train others, and when the Chief is comfortable they can handle the new beast, they can drive it outside of training.

So the prob cant drive the new fire truck..

Or you cant use your lights?

As for the first one..your a days Capts do alot of Scene management. How are you gunna do scene management and pay attention to you pump/truck? Cuz around here, if you drive the truck, your responsible for the truck.

and then useing your lights to the station or so forth..

no clue what to tell you.
I have great firefighters in my squad.My best firfighter is a female. I will put her up against anyone any day."That is for all of my sisters out there." Once I am operating the truck I stick with it until an issuse comes up then the approachig firefighter takes over. As for the light i only use my siren to clear traffic. We have foot activated control for the siren. I started firefighting when i was 16 years old now i am 24 i have been doing it a while and have adapted to the adventure. Some times i do get a lot of crap form other Dept bc i am real young Capt. For most i am the youngest they have seen and they dont like it. My guys know i will take care of them. I am respectful but firm.
I can see that part of it Chief however, if there is a fire and I have a new pumper vs and old pumper I am going to make the command decision to take the new truck. Because that is what helps protect my firefighter. All of our guys has had the proper training on Emergency Vehicle training. I just hope somethings has changed when i get home.
do you have a board of trusties to go to?
Our department got a new pumper a couple years back and it was the same way. Not because the chief was being a jerk but because it was a new truck and even though we had all been trained to operate emergency equipment we had not been trained on that truck. It was the same way when we replaced the tanker before that and it will be the same when we replace our next truck. Every truck is different. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. Did your chief say these are the only three that will ever be able to drive this truck for as long as we own it? Weight, wheel base, center of gravity, field of view, breaks and even steering are different on every truck we operate so relax as soon as you get properly trained on that particular truck you too will be allowed to play with the bright red shiny new toy. As for your light and siren is everyone else on the department getting to use them and you are being singled out or is it that nobody gets to use them because the cost of your departments insurance will shoot through the roof if light and sirens are allowed on personal vehicles. Here in Wisconsin when you are responding to a call your personal vehicle is covered by the department insurance so to keep the cost of insurance down the use of lights and siren is not allowed on our department.
Ok dont let them drive I can buy that but what happens when the only way you have to get the apparatus to the scene is by these drivers? In the fire service thats why we train EVERYONE so we have RESOURCES ,, what a closed minded attitude no females no lights this is 2008 not the 50's..
stay safe
A new truck is only as good as the personnel who drive/operate the apparatus. If all of the drivers are out of town it is hard to explain to your tax payers why the apparatus they insure and equip is sitting at the station while their house burns. Common sense prevails, train as many as possible.

On the other hand, the first rule of any department is driver selection.
We have certain people that dont drive trucks on training because they feel they can tear them up but on a fire scene if they have to they do drive. This is just the way the ball bounces sometimes with this job. There are some people that should drive and some that shouldnt drive but when the time comes it takes all hands on deck.
We are all trained. It took 3 weeks for everone to find an hour of free time other than regular scheduled time at the hall to go through the truck with our training officer and take a road test. That was my point. They got the new truck today and someone got their panties in a bunch because they wern't allowed to drive it the same day. If you want to drive it today get the required training for this truck and "you too will be allowed to play with the bright red shiny new toy." If you are first at the hall and you do not hear anyone who is already trained on the truck responding jump in the other pumper that it was stated the entire department is already trained on and get it on scene. If someone who is trained on the new pumper is on there way to the hall take another truck that you know will be needed. If it upsets you that you cant take the new truck get the proper training and problem solved. I said no lights or siren on POV are allowed here due to the added cost of insurance. Nowhere did I say anything about no females. It looks like you can type fine maybe you should spend a little more time reading or clarify who your comments are aimed at if your entire reply was not intended for me.
First, I don't live in KS.

Sounds like you need a certified DO program and maybe Pumps 1-2 to get more qualified operators. Don't forget the OJT with the senior engineers also.

As far as you being the only command on scene... someone had command before you arrived, like I said going back to training, prepare the line officers or acting line officers to do a proper size-up and start a solid IAP with strategy/tactics.

Lights on POV: In my past department (volunteer) the Chief provided you with a lights/siren card, which allowed you to have permission to use them on your vehicle. At inspection time, the mechanic would ask for the card. But it was only good in the town your Chief has jurisdiction in; so if you were stopped outside of town using them, you are subject to a ticket in my area.

Sorry, it all falls back on reducing his liability...

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