How many firefighters are out there that are musicians/instrumentalist? What instrument do you play? Do you currently play with a band or have you in the past? What genre of music do you like to play?

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Drums, trumpet, guitar, and will play most anything from Alabama to ZZ Top
Hi Cat - I play guitar - badly. I sing - even worse, if that's possible! But I'm a very good listener. What do I (try) to play? Blues.

Have to love the Oldman's comment - 'anything from Alabama to XX Top'! 'Blues' is easier to type.
Hay Cat I plat the radio quite
I play the acoustic guitar usually c&w or blues with some of the older rock finding its way in there.
and what about yourself i see your askin but what your not tellin?
I actually have a BA in Music Education...I play all the instruments of the orchestra. Strings are my worst. Woodwinds and Brass are my specialty. Principal instrument in college was oboe however I had two secondary instruments: flute and trumpet. I have played in my county for memorial services and at the state level for prayer breakfasts. I listen to all kinds of music...i have nearly 2000 songs on my Ipod.
My principal instrument is my vocal cords I also play keyboards. I can sing just about everything except for Opera or Death Metal.
Ingo -

You mean 80's hair band hottie don't you?... lol

I have been a church pipe organist for over 25 years. I also play alto, tenor saxophone and guitar. I play everthing type of music. I would love to learn how to play the bagpipes.
Hey Firecat.,
I've played drums for about 10 years now...don't play in a band/group anymore..done that for a couple years...just a "fill-in" now. Anyway, I like to play just about anything. Take care
Well I march Quads in my high school marching band... i can play any percussion instrument, Flute, & tenor sax. any kind of music the band director throws @ me i ussually enjoy playing... except a few type
I am trying to play the bass. There are a few of us that get together to jam {couple of brothers}
Hey Ingo, that is really cool and it is pretty good music... Nice job...
Hi Cat, I'm one of those multi-talented people. Kazoo, air guitar, air drums... you name it! LOL Although I did take piano lessons as a kid, but I don't really play. Stay safe!

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