When I started 6 years ago I was hired with Tattoos Two of which could be seen with a short sleeve shirt on Since then I have worked for the United states Government where There was nothing said about My ink and now Im back on the Municple side I am going to have to start covering them with a long sleeve uniform shirt in Our beautiful 90 degree summers thats going to feel just dandy So .. heres My question
How many of You Smoke Eaters and Radio Heads have Tats and do You have to have them covered when on the Job??

Im really intrested in the input Im going to get back

Sgt Bobby J King
Madison County Div of Emergency Svcs
Firefighter Rescue Tech

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I have 4 tats and my paying job (Hillsborough County School Board) requires me to have them covered up.

Cat :o)
It is exactly for that reason my tattoos are in placed normally covered by a short sleeve shirt and pants.

I have one on my left medial Deltoid whch a short shirt sleeve covers, one on my hip, one on my right calf and one on my left ankle. So I guess a couldn't wear shorts if the dperament authorized 'em.

I don't think unoffenisve tattos should have to be covered. If they don't impeach your proffessionalism (ie.. nudity, racially offensive, or "bad words"), then what gives an American government (at any level) the idea they need to make its employees cover their tattoos?

Just my opinion...

I have one tat on my left arm as you can see on my page. Our Department has said nothing about me covering it up. If it's tastefully done let them show it. Most of our paitents have tat's or peircing anyway. Do we stop helping these people because they don't cover up there art work? Just my 2 cents worth.
i'm a fire fighter in the air force and you can have up to 25 percent of your showing covered in tattoos
It's a load of crap. If you had scars from an accident would they make you cover them up?
Thanks for the subject I was concerned about this topic as well.I am going to background for a dept and i am wondering what they are going to say about my tattoo's.I will let you all know.I dont think its a big deal anymore tattoo's dont have the mystery or negative status that they once did.
I have ink showing when wearing a short sleeve T. Our department policy only says that "While in uniform or on duty there shall be no visible or uncovered form of body art or tattoos which
would, by our general population or culture, be considered offensive or derogatory."

Bobby - I would push the issue of being forced to wear a long sleeve t-shirt as a "wellness issue". The fact that you will be more prone to heat-related illnesses as a result of this policy may open some eyes and get people to realize that maybe the policy is a little too stringent.

I (we) tried to get our department to start letting us wear shorts while on duty in the summertime. Here in KY it can get very humid and heat indexes can soar over 100 degrees. After being told "No" for a long time, I finally decided to do some research on heat related illnesses and wrote a lenghty report. After providing the department with statistical data they were overwhelmed and had no choice but to let us start wearing shorts. If they hadn't, they could have been liable since they were given information supporting the fact that shorts can relieve this threat.

You might try to effect change from that angle. Hope it works for you.
Engine 32 Lt.

Any chance you could point me in the right direction to get started on a report regarding shorts. I realize our laws in Canada may be a bit different, but I am sure most of the heat related illness facts will be the same. Any help would be great.
I have 3 but you can't see them when I am in uniform. There are others here that have some that are shown. Our county does not require them to be covered. I am sure if they were offensive then management would require us to cover them.
Send me a message with your email address. I think I still have the report I wrote and I'd be happy to send it to you for a jumping-off point. I think one of the studies I referenced in my report came out of Toronto...
I personally don't have any and frankly don't like them, but that is my opinion. As far as your situation, if they hired you knowing that you had them, they should allow you to continue to come to work as you have in the past. On my Department, they recently developed a "No Visible Tattoo" policy. However, anyone hired before the policy was implemented is Grandfathered in and do not have to cover theirs. I think that is about as fair as you can get.
I found out it all stemmed from a Female who had to remove an eyebrow ring..
She asked why she had to do this ( because it could get caught on things) and Some of Us who had the ink didnt have to cover it up ..

ENG32INE LT thanks for Your advice there Ive also requested You as a friend its always good to meet another Kentucky Firefighter
( Do Us a Favor and tell Uncle Milty at Station One His rebel son in Madison County says Hello)

Sgt King

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