New Question: Should Fire Fighter familes receive Purple Hearts for the family members they lost.

Let me explain my view on this and why I believe it should be a Purple Heart. This day was a very bad day that started a new war. In my eyes, the fighters that went into those buildings and lost their lives, walked into combat. To my knowledge(correct me if im wrong) there hasn't even been bravery awards given out on this. I think Purple Hearts should be given out to the families of not only them, but as well as the families of this on United 93 that crashed into PA. Those men and women saved a lot of lives that day, and yet that have only received a thanks from the peoples butts that they saved that day.

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Maybe not purple hearts because that is a Military thing...the fire service should have our own reward for bravery to something to be given to famlies of fallen firefighters. How about a golden axe...I don't know just shootin from the hip.
purple hearts are for military personnel and should not be given to first responders if the fire service feels we should have medals then let us come up with our own.
Commisioned troops are awarded purple hearts, not firefighters. A division of the armed forces has a chance to plan and strategize against a known foe. The members of FDNY didn;t have this option. They were blindsided by a nameless, facelss act of terrorism. They didn't have time to gameplan what occured. They didn't have a way to combat what occured. (with an act of military) For this reason I feel their families should be rewarded with a medal of some sort, but not a purple heart
Ok I am ready for the attack, but here I go I think this all is nice thought and idea and well I never been a fan of medals and rewards. I have always refused to wear them on my class A except 2 but thats another story. What they did that day was there job and should be honored for that just like any other brother or sister that has given their all and paid such a price. I do think people should be reward for actions above and beyond but giving a purple heart will not do more to make there actions anymore special as the actions anyone of us may do today. My father (career FDNY) used to say medals are for those who want them honor and respect are for those who earn it. They all earned my honor and respect as all of you do each time you go out the door. Someone getting killed in the line of duty at a rural farm house on fire deserves the same as well as everyone that comes home from a fire in any city. I know I might sound cold but would any of you refused to go in that day?? Ask yourself for real then answer.
I am ex-military and do not believe a Purple Heart should be awarded. I think the fire service should have their own version of awards for bravery and being injured in the line of duty. The Purple Heart is a military thing and should stay that way.
The families of fallen fire fighter typically receive a folded American flag just as the military does. At least that is soemthing they do around here. The only Medals the family should get other wise would be the medal the firefighter earned before thier passing. thats how a purple heart is also earned. Traditionally the purple heart is given to those wounded in combat. The Congressional Medal of Honor is given to those for supreme acts of valor, which alot of times time they do not return home alive. The fire service has so many medals already. The FD should determine if a Medal is due and make sure it is presented.
The purple heart is a military award. They should give a medal but not anything to do with the military. The purple heart is a very distiguished award. As the fire service we would not want to take anything away from this. These men lost thier lives in combat. We as fire fighters go to battle but not in the same situations as the men and women of the military. I do agree we need a medal for all of our fallen brothers and sisters. Just like the police and ems. This would be a great honor to recieve this award in the time of great heroism.
I have never been involved in the military, but I have a huge amount of respect for all the men and women who place themselves in harms way to defend our Nation. That being said, their honors should be respected and should be given to only those members of the military who earn them.

As for the fire service, my department (as to many others) has it's own system of awards that are clearly defined and are issued to those who deserve them. Many organizations like the I.A.F.F. have awards that are given annually to deserving fire service members.
that was why I asked this, because it is not up to me to decide, its up to yall. The purpose for this is, I want to know what yall think and also as well, what kinda of award do you think should be given to the families. Im trying to start a petition for this purpose and have talked to some of our lawmakers in Texas about this, and they have told me the way to get it done. And well if this doesnt work, anyone for a march to dc.

I do appreciate everyones feedback and hope that I did not offend anyone by this thought.
I am with you on this one, I have never been a fan of awards and medals and all the combat veterans that I have talked to have been very cynical about medals and awards, the common phrase was that some medals came with the rations, some were chased but only a few others were earned.

Think on how many firefighters get hurt every day, when you give out so many medals you risk getting into the ho hum another award state of mind, the whole medal system becomes trivialised.

I know that if there was an award for getting hurt in the line of duty and I was eligible I would have to think hard and long about accepting it as it would mean, in my mind, I had screwed up at a fire scene.

I also question how badly hurt would you have to be hurt to qualify for the medal ? for example, does a cut finger qualify, and before anyone jumps all over me for being picky, remember there was the loss of a brother down in New Orleans who died from blood poisening started when he cut his finger.
Just a thought, I don't think it is a bad idea. Why not focus on starting some kind of trust fund for the family members??

It could be something to help kids through school or help with mortgage payments. Something along those lines. A medal is a nice rememberance, but a trust fund can be a HUGE help.
I'm in the same boat of honoring the families, especially Flight 93 (R.I.P.), with a fire department's form of the purple heart. I know that we can think up of something just as good as the purple heart. I feel the families are way overdue on this recognition. A memorial every year doesn't account for that. Hopefully we can get something done about this.

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