Just wanted to get some honest feed back about how men feel about having women serve as FF. Please be very honest! The reason for this is:
1. I have witnessed society feels women can't do this job- we are to fragile , etc.
2. People think women that work around a bunch of men must be easy or having relations with at least one of the them
3. Sexual harrassment issues arise more often
4. Some men have trouble taking orders from a woman (or vice versa)
These are just a few of the things I have seen or heard about.. Please share y you feel this way

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Ive been in the fire service for over 19 yrs, Ive served with women on the departments I have worked on both career and vollie. If the woman can pass the physical requirements like a man and can do the job like a man I say welcome aboard. But I have known some who are content to stay outside and provide support for the fire ground. Thats needed also. I am on a dept. now that will never have a woman as long as the current administration is in office. I tell all the women I know who are firefighters to come and test for us, just to push the boundries and test the limits. Stay with it girl, this is a new age in the fire service!
Thank you for being the gentleman that you are. It's not about your sex, it's about who can do the job. Too bad I don't live in your community, I would join your fire department and pass. What up with your admin? Stay safe and keep your good personality. No matter what skills you can do, a good way to look at it is everybody is needed somewhere. Be a team player and get the job done, thanks Mike.
Well, where to start? The chief has been on the dept. since 1966. Does that say anything. There are no SOP/SOGs to speak of, it is major time freelancing on all calls. The morale of the members are at an alltime low with no end in sight. We do have an older dept that has an average age of 43. Alot of the older guys are on the down hill side of their career's and do nothing but complain about this and that and never try to fix anything. For the money we make you think they would be a little more involved with the job. The officers are in a large part untrained and go from what they learned from the officers they had. No education, No dedication and all attitude makes for a fun day at work.
Well look at brite side Mike, it will not be long before they leave the job, and new standards and personnel will make a different. They do not have a happy life if all they do is complain and maybe they are still there because they also complain at home. The end will be sooner than you think Mike, what goes around will come back to them in the long run. I will say a good prayer for them, stay safe and remember there is a rainbow in sight and with good hearts like yours it will pay off.
I missed that, that is a lot. We ran 8 calls today in a 10 hour day and I'm spent!! lol! :)
hey, maybe they were all really tough crazy calls where I had to break through concrete with my sledge hammer, then operate into the third story window with a handline and try to make entry but I lost my axe through the floor... and maybe another one was a vsa with a 400 lbs man, then a multiple vehicle mvc, and 5 other calls I'll have to make up later... hahaha! okay, okay, I can't even remember what they all were, run of the mill kind of day, a little on the slow side, but hey, I had to be up at 5am!!! lol
damn, I can't reply to your reply to my reply... perhaps there is a limit to personal conversations to be had in a thread! haha!

Yeah, that was another day, in the winter when it was icy, cold and we were frozen ____ stiff... good times!! lol

I picked off a couple of firefighters with buckets on the roof yesterday though with my trashline... lol... teach them to mess with me! ;)
I am a female in the fire service. To tattle on myself. We had a MVA call and a police officer arrived on a motorcycle the officer took off his helmet I saw that it was a woman. I was suprised to see her on the cycle. But why??? Maybe she was suprised to see a female firefighter? I used to think that women did not belong in the fire service maybe they were just trying to prove something. But when I went through the fire academy I found that you do not have to be 6' 2" and 250 lbs to hit a hydrant or run the pump panel. Times are changing so just be patient it will happen. We have 48 volunteers in our district and 5 are women and we are treated just like all the other guys. with all the bad stuff you have to deal with on calls I am so glad that we don't have to deal with girls vs. guys game.
from Pam, correction we make 200 to 250 calls a month.
Hey fireSiren, I meant 200 to 250 calls a month. Stay safe, and hang in there.
Ive seen some women that can do the job but ive seen some that cant...and if you cant do the job man or woman dont get on the engine or truck
I agree! I have seen both. I can't stand them they are a waist of space on the rig. If you are not going to pull your weight give the seat to someone who will! It may sound harsh but you don't want some one to bail on you at a critical moment.

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