Res193cue's Comments

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At 9:49pm on February 20, 2020, carol jacques said…

I have Quebec, Canada to trade as well as a few from Massachusetts

At 1:34am on October 17, 2010, Emmanuel Franche said…
Fredrik, I'm very interested of your patch 'BRONTO SKYLIFT'.
I have a couple of patch to trade with you.
Give me some news...

At 1:22am on October 17, 2010, Emmanuel Franche said…
I am a Lieutenant firefighter of a structural fire department in Québec. I'm interested to exchange patch of my FD with you.
If you will be glad to swap patches with me, contact me or my address is:
Emmanuel Franche
Sorel-Tracy FD
72 Colette
Sorel-Tracy, Qc
Canada J3P 6R6

Hope to hear from you soon on this.

Thanks and Stay Safe!

At 6:11pm on September 12, 2010, Kent said…

Are you interested in swapping patches. I work for South Metro Fire Rescue in Colorado. Email me at if you want to swap.

Stay safe,

At 12:57pm on August 26, 2010, DALE G. PEKEL said…
Hello Fredrik,

Thanks for your comments - They mean a lot! - All the best to You, your Department and the Country of Sweden.

Your brother from the US,
At 12:56pm on August 26, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Thanks for getting back. You live in a beautiful country that takes care of it citizens, that counts for a lot. It is funny how life is and where we end up. America is a great nation but it also has great problems. Sweden is well respected where I live, Be proud of the homeland.
By the way my wife's mother is also 100% Swedish, he grandfather came over in 1880 or so. Otto Andreason. My grandmother was from Denmark. Be safe at fires, train hard.
At 6:07am on August 25, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Frederik, My greatgrandfather was from near Malmo. He came to America in 1840. I was just in Stockholm in June, it was very impresive. My greatgrandfather was Ole Peter Borgquist, my grandfather dropped the quist, we now have Borg as a family name. Check out my profile to see my firefighting experience, welcome to the site.
At 10:33am on November 26, 2009, Poly118 said…
hej hur mår du? Jag är Paulina från Chile.. jag hoppas att du är väl...

hej då
At 2:06am on November 4, 2009, charles said…
At 8:44pm on August 22, 2009, JULIO IGNACIO MELENRIFF said…
At 11:46pm on June 18, 2009, Jon Strong said…
I would like to trade patches with you, and your right there are some out there that won't send you back a patch as a matter of fact the last two I traded with I never received a patch back I also sent out a shirt and never got anything back, that really sucks!!!
Jon Strong
1312 Ave K
Hawarden, IA 51023
At 3:56pm on March 23, 2009, Jon Strong said…
Are you still interested on trading patches?
At 7:41pm on March 18, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
Hey bro , interested in trading patches? I work for Daisy Mountain Fire Department, just outside of Phoenix ,Az. please let me know if your interested
At 8:36pm on March 8, 2009, Jon Strong said…
I would be interested in trading patchs.
Jon Strong
1312 Ave. K
Hawarden, IA 51023
At 7:40pm on October 27, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey hows things there brother all is great here i am now the training officer and was wondering if you would be intrested in trading fire department shirts and hats with me i can send you a shirt and hat in 2 weeks if you send me a shirt im size xl what size are you brother

rob elliott
8 scobie crescent bellambi nsw
2518 australia
At 5:50am on October 14, 2008, Leo Cartwright said…
Can send U One patch of 'Ambulance Victoria' - Australia if U wish to trade for one of your service patch. As a Paramedic, I only have Ambulance patch no Fire patches.
If Interested please contact me by Email with your Name and address and I will oblige. Email =
many thanks Leo Cartwright (Australia)
At 12:10pm on October 11, 2008, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hello Fredrick! I would like to trade a patch with you. I am in EMS in Montreal, Canada. Please let me know! Stay safe my friend!!

At 11:41am on October 3, 2008, Allen Wahlstrom said…
Jag kan titta runt och se vad som finns. Jag jobbar för Department of Defense, så säkerhetsprövning är nödvändig för min ståndpunkt. Det finns många avdelningar i USA som skulle vara en bättre plats. Du kan också titta på att göra ett jobb handel med en amerikansk brandman. Nu när jag skulle göra i en minut om de två som godkänts.
Jag kommer att titta runt och se vad jag kan hjälpa dig att hitta.
At 11:20am on October 2, 2008, Michael said…
that would be ok. be safe out their bro.
At 1:34pm on September 29, 2008, Allen Wahlstrom said…
Hej Fredrik! Jag är en Svensk-Amerikansk Brandmann i Soder Texas.

Have a safe one.

Hej Då!

Allen Wahlström

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