Tactical considerations based on fire behavior research give initial attack options

Video below is of a Daytona Beach house fire. 

Given the latest information on fire behavior research, SLICE-RS, door control and more, would your 'first water' be through the window or would you stretch a hoseline inside first?  Why?

Would your staffing affect your decision?

Has your department made any changes to your initial attack strategy based on the information below and additional information from UL FSRI and ISFSI?

FirefighterNation & FireRescue Magazine:
Anti-Ventilation Tactics on the Fireground
Interior Attack with Door Control
ISFSI Releases Principles of Modern Fire Attack Videos
Understanding the New SLICERS Acronym

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From FirefighterNation & FireRescue Magazine Facebook,

David Koski
"quick hit from the exterior, can be done with 1 or 2 FF's while the attack crew are setting up to make entry"

Wade Landèche
"Being already vented out the window, making an interior attack and sweep, while pushing the smoke and heat out the already vented window..."

Zak Matticks
"Gotta watch hitting it, you could possibly push the fire towards an un burned area"

Christine Cossens

"Straight inside"

More from FirefighterNation & FireRescue Magazine Facebook,

Bunky Ennis
"Basics: stretch the line, mask up, bleed the line to the side, set nozzle pattern to straight stream, enter and CRAWL down the hallway, find the fire and PUT IT OUT! Everything gets better when the fire goes out!"

     Nathan Clardy
    "Thats 1960s tactics. How about we hit it from the exterior, transition into the front door. Control the upper atmosphere and WALK in and put it out."

John Andreychak
"Fire is right there inside. Close front door if possible, ready your line, open the door and put out the Fire. Come on man....."

Brandon Gillis
"Quick hit through the window straight stream to ceiling, by another couple firefighters if available. Time is the important factor here. They hit it and cool it for you, and you move fast instantly after. Trying to hit from the outside yourself, and slowly work your way in...you are going to make things worse."

Bobby Eugene
"There are only 3 times you should not enter through the front door without spraying water first: 1. The amount of total fire involvement dictate a defensive attack. 2. There is fire coming out of the door and you put it out on your way in."

To David Koski: Soumds like you want two lines pulled immediately. Good idea but is the staffing there?

To Zak Matticks: "Pushing of fire" to unburned areas has been proven to be nonsense. Steam yes, fire no. 

To Nathan Clardy: Walking in upright is a bad idea. What if conditions turn out to be different than original size-up indicated? What if conditions change rapidly (wind, etc)? How do you feel out holes in floor or weakened floor when barging in upright?

To John Andreychak: Closing of door likely not all that important as fire is already venting out windows. But good pint about door control (and flowpath control) in general.

To Brandon Gillis: Again, is there a staffing issue. One team doing both is slow. But two seperate teams can also be slow.

To Bobby Eugene: I think your "rule" is too broad. 

For this fire I would simply advance the line immediately through the front entry door. A lot of heat is already venting to the outside. Fire is visibly extending out of fire room into hallway or living room area. You could pretty much start hitting it from the front door if you wanted to. This is a smaller building and it shouldn't take much time to get the line in position to operate on the fire. A couple of feet and one turn basically,

What we are actually talking about here is called a Transitional attack. Now, let me get this out here now.  I am  firm staunch believer in aggressive interior attacks on pretty much everything but the transitional attack is a great option to have in your tool box. In this given scenario, either option would be completely acceptable. 

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