Ok so I may offend some people with this but it's not meant to so let me lay that on the table now. Do you think there should be a test to be a fire line officer (including chief) in the volunteer fire departments? Seems like som ranking officers dont have the brains and shouldnt be in a line officer position. Sometimes the Jr. members or Explorers know more than the officers seem to....on more than one ocasion. Tell me what you think.

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Becoming an officer or Chief should not be a popularity contest. It takes proven skills and learning from the experience of others (i.e. Officer classes and Staff and Command classes) to prepare to make the important and always unpopular decisions for the betterment of the department. No one should ever take the responsibility of leading others lightly. Anyone who thinks because someone is suitable for rank because he or shes a likable person is in the wrong business. Becoming an Officer or Chief is the greatest job you'll ever be hated for.
I agree with all so far.
In Australia, our officers of volunteer brigades must be qualified in all areas of fire and rescue but do not have to prove that they can be captain by sitting any formal testing.

I believe that the captain of the brigade is crucial to the success and more inmportantly the safety of the firefighters. I feel that they must not only possess the pieces of paper that say they are qualified, but they must show and consistently demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities.

As a qualified and accredited sporting coach, I believe that it is the leaders responsibility (brigade captain / sports coach) to create an environment where people can't help but be there best. I believe that this can only be done via influence and not authority. I also believe that if you create this environment then you as the leader will not have to lead others, they will learn to lead themselves.

I also believe that it is hard enough to get people to volunteer their time as it is without inundating them with more formal testing procedures. Our leaders are voted in by the members and most members have a clear understanding as to which people within their brigade have the ability to lead.
There should be a test to be a line officer. If you don't know your head from the hole in the ground what good are you? Are these the people we really want leading our brothers and sisters into the fire. If we know they are not capable of the job do we really feel safe? If I know my officers know their stuff I feel more relieved on scene. And when you feel at ease, things just go so much better.
I never understood these vollie departments that are "elected" to an officer's position. These should be tested for and some sort of officer's training taken.Testing keeps the "Good Ol' Boy" system in check. That way Larry, Daryll, and Daryll aren't promoting their relatives. They are promoting the most qualified. But, I will say this, just because you passed a test doesn't mean you can be an officer, or a firefighter for that matter.
I think you are absoulutly right. There are ppl in offices that will get you hurt or killed if you aren't careful!!!
In most cases, yes there should be some kind of
testing for command positions. Every department
should have safeguards against the "buddy system".
The department I am in... No we dont have a test but what we do have is a member that like to become a officer writes up a resume and a list of goals for the year following and then gets interviewed by the chief.
Perhaps money will talk. There is another thread tying ISO ratings to officer training. http://www.firefighternation.com/forum/topic/show?id=889755%3ATopic...
Citizens can be appethetic or they can demand change. After all, it's the people of the community we are held accountable to.
If the chief is responsible for others there should be a test of the knowledge. However I dont think a chief who was given the badge without a test would have the courge to answer your question. So only people who agree with you will respond to you.
In my volunteer dept the Chief & Dep Chief are voted in. The rest is the Chief's recommendation and the offices have standards like somebody else said already. And where I used to work you took a test to rise up the ranks. as also said there are people that havent any experience and some who have. I know when I was an officer If I didnt know I asked!!
I would strongly suggest that you check with your state laws...there should be some guidelines for officer positions..or possibly the county.. I know on my dept, you have to have ff 1 and ff2 mfr, and officer training to be any officer..and higher you go, the more training you need to even be considered for a position...just my 2 cents worth.
I feel that if thats your peoblem then its your Chiefs fault for putting them in that position or who ever sets the officers line.

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