I will be hired on in my local FD as part time In late Jan. I will be starting my schooling for Basic EMT and FF I shortly after my hire date. I was just wondering about when do the departments usually hand out the pagers? I know im probably jumping the wagon asking this question as I wont really have any training so I would be useless but I was just wondering because of my hire date and I was to I will be starting my drills in Feb. Thank You

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Every department's policies and procedures are different. We don't issue pagers, but every new member gets a portable radio within a couple of weeks after acceptance into the membership, then gets added to the Active 911 system (automatic messaging for phones and tablets) shortly after that.

Does your department also issue them to the new hires that don't have any training yet?

Don't be in a hurry.  Get your training under your belt and when they decide you are ready they will give you a a pager.  Even if they give you a pager right away you are untrained and they may not allow you to respond or do much more than be a gopher.

Be patient and follow the rules and regulations and you will get along much better.


Depends on the impression we get when we bring in a new member. We are volunteers, so our new members vary somewhat in their maturity and ability. We've been fortunate this year to have new members who are smart, healthy and able to do a lot. They got radios right away and, like Don says had to be gophers or observers much of the time for the first few months. Some of them are already certified after less than a year.

I know I'm beating around the bush, but your situation is different. Only your department's officers can make the decision.

Ok thank you all for your input. I was figuring that but just thought I'd ask. I'm really excited to start my schooling and getting all the knowledge I can get

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