Hello all, 

I am finishing up a presentation I will be doing within a couple of months. Looking for creative training ideas some of you might have to add to my program. Thanks for your input.

Doug Kolkman

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Training ideas on what topic?


covering basic firefighting skills

Are you talking about a classroom/powerpoint type presentation or hands on practical skills training?

Because I can offer suggestions that I have used with my 2 paid on call FDs, as well as with the tech college I teach for.

Don, I am initially looking to enhance my powerpoint class room presentation. But if you have some creative hands on drills, by all means share that too,

Thanks, Doug


I can tell you there are hundreds of great power point presentations online for almost every fire topic you can think of.  To be brutally honest what I do is start with the canned IFSTA power points then add in my own stuff and stuff from online.  It jazzes up the presentation with more pictures, more graphics and even videos.

As for hands on drills I do many scenario based drills where I incorporate multiple skill sets.  Such as forcible entry using our prop, hose advancement, and PPV.  Or Blitz attack, establishing a water supply, and follow up mop up with a handline.


i just looked at your post and i think that you should try a presentation on High Bread Cars


I really hope you're kidding.

no im not kidding , we are getting ready to have a training on them we have alot of people that have them and they are not a laughing matter

How about putting your ff's into the front seat with some some size-up drills on target hazards in your first due? Use our free android version or make stuff in the 2 week trial of our desktop application, SimsUShare Mobile, then record them as videos for the future.

the word is HYBRID, not high bread.  Like Jack, I have to hope you are kidding.

LOL ! I am blown away this time! I hunted hi and low trying to figure out WTF a high bread car was.. lol  was looking in car search..and bakery stuff..trying to figure out what the hell I missed while I was away for a couple of years! lol HIGH BREAD!!! that is classic!

cheered me up some tho lol


ok don thank you for the correction not to good of a speller exuse me, and no im not kidding

what is the deal with the HYBRID cars.

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