Just curious how many of your depts issue you radios over pagers? If so what radios do you carry? Do you find it an inconvenience?

My dept issues everyone a Min V and the officers also get Motorola HT1250. If we want to buy our own we can. I have a Kenwood.

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My Dept issues a Minitor IV for probie year and then a Minitor V after probation. Only the chiefs have HT1250's. The radio's we use are on the engine's, truck and rescue. (Between 4-6 radio's). We are all so issued an alpha pager from the State of NY that all of our calls come through, with the option to have all calls sent to our cell phones. We are a Suburban/Urban company. 

Everyone that is issued a 2 way radio, is your dept suburban or rural where you have to drive to the scene?

We are rural, more members respond POV to scene than to the station.  Having the radios vs pages allows us to begin coordinating en-route to ensure that someone is going to get the trucks.

We try to get everyone to carry a radio, but some only want a pager. We have min 4 and 5. and our older radios are ht 750 and 1250. We have been replacing or updating as needed with cp 200. All motorola.

In my company, Every member gets a Motorola Minitor V pager. ontop of this, you either get issued a HT1250 or a kenwood radio. I'll tell you what, after buying a few Kenwoods this year, we will never buy a motorola radio again...

 We issue Motorola XPR 6550 to all members ..

were issued pagers and keep radios on the trucks and the medics are issued pagers and radios



Our reserves carry Min IV.  Our paid guys are issued radios Motorola PR400.  Our reserves can pick up and use one of the older raidos that we have here at the station, when they are here at the station.  Other departments in our area issue both to thier volunteers, which sometimes I belive is a mistake!  When their tones break or if the combination tones break they all get on the radio one by one to radio that they are enroute to their station.  Which ends up jamming up the radio so the trucks can't call enroute.  Anyways SOP/SOG's should always be put in effect to what ever you give out!

Black hats carry pagers

Officers have radios

You are issued a pager until your 6 month probation is up.  You are then issued a radio.  We don't talk on them excessively.  If we have a problem with someone abusing the privilege of having a radio, it will be taken away and a pager will be re-issued.

We are issued alpha numeric pagers that our county uses for dispatch and those that are no longer probationary get issued a radio. We also keep two to three back up radios on each truck for any probationary members that jump on the rig.

We carry Harris radios issued by the department.

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