As a small rural fire dept. we have yet to deal with Meth Lab explosions or fires but unfortunately it has made it's way to our community as well and I am seeking all the info. I can on the subject before we have such an incident.

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Well, first off, I would look into finding a class on meth labs. We had someone present one here, and it was VERY infomative. They will show and tell you what to look for. Once you get that info, once on scene of a fire, when you do your 360, you can observe the surroundings and look to see if you find any possible evidence that meth could possibly be made there. If an explosion has already occurred, and there is evidence of a possible meth lab, odds are its all burnt up, but you still need to worry about the toxic fumes, so make sure everyone has an SCBA on. Thats pretty much the short and sweet version. Main thing to do is to get to a class about meth, to teach everyone what to look for, that would be a great start.

Years ago the DEA did a grreat class out here. You might check with them.

There are many training videos, and other material not only on clandestine labs, but many other topics available on line. Some you must subscribe to, others are free. Your local law enforcement agency might help, also.

I've got some info I'll try to see if I can get it loaded to this site.


Some more info. I have three others but they are too big to put on this site or to send via email. Sorry


 Wow Doug Thank you very much this will help tremendously.

Thank you all very much for the input I pray we don't encounter such an incident but we will be better prepared now.


       STAY SAFE  Everybody goes home !

If you need any other ppts on other Firefighting or Technical rescue topics let me know as I have over 800 powerpoints on different topics. If you want them all I need you to send me a 16 G flash drive.

Talk to your Sheriff.  They probably have access to the local drug enforcement group and can be a great training source.  We usually have them out once a year to review how we handle these scenes as a team.

 Unfortunately we don't have a very good working relationship with local law enforcement  TIMITYS= The I'm more important than you syndrom...



I am president of a training association with 19 different agencies.  If you are willing to share your 800 powerpoints, that would be a tremendous help to us.  Where can I send the flash drive?

I will throw in one of our patches also.

Thanks very much,

Dennis Hohl

i would like to add that most meth labs have a very strong odor coming from them. all though there is a new method going through the mid west here called shake and bake. it is highly violatale, and explosive. i have been in one situation personally with this type of lab. and unfortunately it was during the time of being back to my home town for a funeral of a family member. when another family member caught there kitchen on fire using the shake and bake method.


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