Last week I went to lunch with some co-workers (non-FFs) and the discussion rolled around to my involvement with the FD. One of the guys said "well, you must have guys that just join the department for the drinking". This recalled to mind another comment by someone, some years back, who swore that ALL volunteer FFs drank at the station and "those who say they don't are lying".

In my department you might find a 6-pack or two if you look in every nook and cranny, but we really don't touch the stuff on drill night or after calls, or meetings. There just isn't stuff to touch. In the late 80s we had the converted soda machine that dispensed several brands of beer but we got rid of it because the Jr. FFs were becoming interested in the stuff.

So - what is your department policy or practice regarding alcohol in the firehouse?

NOTE: 10/16/09: I started this thread over two years ago to gather input from other volunteer firefighters on FFN as it was then. The new theme is, what steps can we take to make America's fire houses 100% dry?

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And who says serious discussions can't have humor. :) Enjoy the weekend all, seriously....
Thanks Mike for bringing this back to the original theme.
Like Betty Ford rehab?
If you want to go back to the original theme (seriously), booze has no place in a fire house. How many police stations do you know of that have a bar or allow alcohol?
Believe it or not, there are still many VFDs across America that still have bars in them, with members clustered around them like flies on a turd.

Many of us know that booze doesn't belong in the fire house; but not everyone has gotten that message yet. With 40,000 plus members on here, now, maybe the message can reach a few more organizations.

Kind of like the seat belt thing.
How many police stations are volly police stations?
oh my bad, paid fd and pd, booze bad, vollie fd, booze ok.
My dept still has beer in soda machine, but access is limited. We put a cover with a combo lock over tabs. Only senior members and officers know code. 10-15 yrs ago, there used to be a keg on tap 24/7. We've come a long way since then, but agree, should be no drinking in FH at all. It will happen in near future.


BAN IT IN THE STATION - it is no place for it!

Joe, the answer starts with your leadership. I was hired as Chief in 92 and one of the first things I did was initiate a policy of no alcohol in the station. Actually it was very easy since much of the older seasoned guys were no longer in the Dept. I can recall former days when people were drinking (to excess) in the Dept and people actually getting on the trucks this way. This is no longer an issue. We also do not supply booze at any of our functions. Again, it hasnt been an issue as people just arnt bringing it either. I think if your leadership makes a stand and sticks to it it shouldnt be a problem period!

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