Following discussing 9/11 memorials this weekend, another FF/EMT friend of mine began discussing the practicality of owning a set of Class A uniforms. Some responders both volunteer and career choose to own a set if they've been in ther service a while and others don't bother. So my question is this, what's the benefit of having them if you may only wear them once in a while? Personally, I would like to own a set but have not yet decided if I want to invest in just EMS blues (as the last 7 years have been primarily EMS work) or wait till my career is settled and later invest in Fire Class A's.

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Why not go with a set of class b's. Navy blue pants and shirt. Thats what we just did and they look sharp. Chief says we can use them for training classes but I dont want to trash them.

Class A's may be a dept issue for many career depts. Most of the career depts here, class A's are issued as part of the uniform allowance or after the probation time is completed. Many volunteer depts don't invest in class A's, but there are some of those who did purchase their own set.


I agree with Chris with a nice set of class B's which will suffice for most occasions and still looks professional. I would wait on buying your own class A's (assuming they are not a dept issue) unless you know where you want to be and quite sure in your career path.

  John, is right most if not all career dept. issue class A uniforms. Around here there are even a large number of Vol. dept. that also issue class A uniforms.

 With larger career dept. the chances to wear the Class A does increase. We have dept. or union functions etc. I know of a couple Vol. dept. near Indy that have a couple formal balls during the year. 

  You might think about talking with people on your dept. if you get enough intrested you may be able to get a deal on Class A or B.  Another reason is if you get a set of class A's  then later on another member get's a set. The problem you run into is that there not all the same,there are diffrent styles, colores, number of buttons etc. So unless your dept. has a defined Class A Uniform code. You could have a group standing together with the same dept. patch. But looking like they just fell off a goodwill truck.

  Just food for thought.

Class A's look very professional and polished for events such as funerals, parades, memorial marches, special ceremonies, etc. I feel it's much more respectful to get out the "dress blues" or "full dress" in these circumstances. I've worn my over a dozen times in the last 6 years.

My FD invested in Class A uniforms about 10 years ago.

They have been the topic of lots of discussion, just like yours.

However when we are at a Formal Function or a Funeral - they are worth every penny.


Byron Willems

Craig FD

I understand the concern about the cost of the Class A uniform and I agree Class B's will suffice sometimes but since the Fire department is built on tradition there are events that protocol dictates the appropriate dress for the event or occasion. If you happen to achieve any long service bars or medals the Class A gives you the ability to wear them at these occasions. Just as the military has their Class A's for their formal occasions, the fire department being para-military in scope has such traditions as well.

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