So did anyone hear how the NYPD ESU killed a guy that was run over by a car? Yea well another case to the cops trying to be firemen. they used the jaws as a JACK an the jaws slipped an the car came back down on the guy,oh yea NO CRIBBING!

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There are probably a lot of questions to answer my first is was the fire department called and delayed arriving or what?
no fdwas not delay fd was on scene also but pd rushed in trying to be the heros an didnt let fd do there job. this has been an on going battle between th fdny an nypd esu for 30+ yrs. Pd doesnt have the right equipment an dont take the time to do things right. They jacked a car up with the jaws an didnt crib as they went! the jaws slipped out an the car fell back on the guy already pinned under the car killing him. What it comes down to an i've seen it to many time cause i use to live in the city' is the pd want the glory! The city is crying for money so there answer is close fire houses! How about the city start cutting the ESU. The ESU was started to handle riots an hostage situations an such. Then some one got the bright idea lets do the fire departments job. As one person said let the cops go after the bad guys an let the fire department do there job. You dont need to bring a GUN to a AIR BAG fight.
Wow Thomas that concept is hard for me to grasp around here the cops are only to glad to stay back at accidents and direct traffic and take reports . We get along well and they will ask if we need anything but it is generally agreed that fd is in charge of patient removal and scene safety and Paramedics are in charge of patient care. We operate under a system of cooperation and in majour incidents share command that prevents the scenes like you discribe. Occasionally we even train together which helps alot when each know what is expected of the other.
I am a ff and a vol chief with my dept.. I'm sorry to say this but it really does not matter WHO is to blame becasue they ALL were at fault the cops should not have been around the car and FDNY could of stepped in and said wait lets stabalize the car as the lifted it. If it was 4 feet in the air there should of been 3 1/2 feet of cribbing under that car and IF there was cribbing under it clearly it was put in a poor spot or was defective. EVERYONE makes mistakes in the service we can save 1000 lifes a day but we make one big mistake and it makes the headlines like this...

Roy, well thats not the way the city works,lol the cops a fire department have been fighting about this for along time. If you want look it up on youtube Nypd esu, or if u happen to find old videos of the fdny you'll see both in action at some mva's. Too jason, i know what ur saying i hear you, but like i said the 2 departments dont see eye to eye. And when the fd starts to take over a fist fight usually follows. I too am a ff an a past captain. I grew up in the city an have been around the fdny my whole life. I've seen both departments operate at scenes large an small. Its just when u get some persons who look for the glory thats when things happen an problems start. An theres no way the car was 4 feet off the ground i seen the video! It's the fact that if your gonna do the job, cop or firemen do it right, don't half ass it! Thats how ppl die period! But yes in this case the fd should have said something an did something an the cops should have looked at the big picture an took there time an not be gun ho about it an the only thigs that was cribed on the car was the wheels where choked. There was no cribbing as they lifed the car at all. An besides thats what air bags are for NOT JAWS

I agree with everything 9 times out of 10 when we have a MVA the cops get toned first and alot of the times we work with NY state troopers and alot of them always come to us what do you need what do u want from us we have a great work relationship with them( I think it is becasue they don't want to be left at a MVC in the middle of winter alone) lol Last month we ran a M/A call for a head on MVC with 9 people was not good at all we thought for sure we were going to lose atleast 3 of the nine but all lived we had ALOT of good help from the cop all but one Det. who was taking photos of the scene. He told us to stop what we were doing with victums still on the ground the other chief and myself were in shocked and was like what??? Our guys kept working and we took care of the problem in a not so kind way. I guess it is hit or miss with cops vs FDs. Your rights as well if teh car was 4 feet up why couldn't they slide him out or find a way to stablize it as before going up that high??
Again i understand what ur saying jason. But believe me when i say its way different down in the city. An since the early to mind 80's Nassue county started the same thing with having a ESU an doing what the fire departments are suppose to do. an even Nj is getting in on the deal. there has to be a line drawn somewhere. How about we give all firemen guns!

what is the ESU??? Emrg. Scene Unit???


 Actually  Jason I believe it stands for emergency  support unit and somebody better lay down some SOPs to deal with this.

Jason, ESU for the NYPD means, Emergency Service Unit!

like i said guys google nypd esu an the whole history of it comes up an if u youtube it theres a ton of videos on them too. I'll try an post there 2 main types og responce trucks on my profile cant attach to this page.
ok guys i put 2 pics up in my profile in my album like i said google them an check it out more for yourself

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