Firefighter Exams - Ladder Drill Evolution - A must training drill for Firefighter <18 years old and all Recruits!

This video depicts what I think should be the standard in recruit 
training and expectations when doing a ladder drill. Do you agree?


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It's good to see that everyone here on the FFN totally agrees with me on this one. CBz
I missed the portion where they extended the ladder.

I do agree that laddering should be practiced, as often as is possible.
It should become second nature, pulling it from the rig, placement and extension/climbing.
ABSOLUTELY! especially the <18 part.
The linked video did not work?
The video worked just fine. I just can't see how they were able to extend the ladder, as it's so fast. They're running with the retracted ladder and then they throw it and it's extended, as if by magic.
I've watched it several times.
Blew me away as well leaving me wondering if this was really possible. The video does not appear to be altered, and they get er done...
Completely unsafe and i would not teach my guys to do it.when he jumps up on the back of the ladder is when he pulls the rope to extend it.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Fireman.

Now lets see it done like that wearing full TOG.
Watch the video 'again', the guy leading, as they get to the wall, jumps up on and grabs the rope, as he drops he extends the ladder while the second guy finishes the push to the wall, the fly extension appears to assist in the final raise to the wall as well.

Frankly, there isn't one safe thing about this video. Besides the fact that it's perfectly staged and (clearly) well practiced, how would this translate to the real world?

This is to ladders as the 60 second drill is to ...?
I'm shocked Steve. I was under the impression that everyone removes and executes ladder evolutions in this manner. Full TOG does however slow you down just a little bit, especially when you do the balance bar thing at the tip of the ladder. Is it completely unsafe? Again, I've always gone by the mantra, we are professionals'...

Captain Crouching Tiger (Retd.) aka CBz
exactly, hence the purpose of this post...
i believe that ladder practice should be done more often,i know how to do it because i took the time to watch the video and asked one of the old timers in our department to go through it with me which he did gladly,the problem arises in the fact that it it hard to motivate the guys in our hall to train, half of them wouldn't even know what section of the ladder is the fly section so it gets a little frustrating just saying,i try to take the time to practice it once a month even when i am at work

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