I suffer from PTSD...I was diagnosed in January 2008...I served in Iraq as Combat FF with WSI...I am looking find out if there are any other Combat vets in here that where in Vietnam, Desert Storm or Operation Iraqi Freedom...I would love to hear from anyone...Please feel free to leave me a message....We all need to stick together and help one another when a fellow brother is down or hurting...

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Well it's not easy for me to say but I too suffer from PTSD I was diag. in 01' once I got out of the ARMY. I was, a Scout Sniper for the 1st Cav I was deployed to saudi, kuwait, and camp doha, totaling 1 1/2yrs I will tell you that it does get better! I was unable to go out to the movies,dinner for 2 years after I got out , but now i'm not as jumpy. I do'nt use meds to controll it, but I do have a hobby that helps me alot. I do Still have some out bursts every now and then but always at home when I try to unwind. I do have a question for you, do you get headaches when you have an episode?? Other than that Thanx for serving. PLZ contact me if you would like to talk!
Hey bro! Thanks for the reply....Hit me up on my email.....DLSTEVENS1977@yahoo.com.....Dont want anyone know bout my problems.....For you headaches....Where you near or really close proximity of any explosions? Later bro....Be safe
Thank you both for your service. Im sorry that you are having to deal with this. I hope that your respective branches are taking care of your medical needs.
important topic
I have never served in the forces unfortunately, but as a firefighter/EMT I have been diagnosed with PTSD back in 2003, I have been a part of rescue attempts at two fires with 3 fatalities, one I found but couldnt save, and another fire with a 21 year old girl that was found holding an 8 year old, huddled on the floor...Those two fires and a bunch of nasty shit on the EMS rig at an early age (18) and I kept it all inside. I would like to help if I could, I dont know if you are looking for only vets, but I wouldnt mind helping out and listening.
Give me a shout.
Jim and Darian,
Thank you both for your honorable service. I had a member of my engine company returning from FOB Warrior so I attended a seminar put on by "The On-Site Academy". It is a military residential restore program focused on first responders returning from combat. The reason for attending this was to familiarize myself for signs of PTSD should our soldier present them. The program is held at:

Windy Hill Farm
219 Bragg Hill Rd.
Westminster, Massachusetts 01473

Check them out on the web here -> www.onsiteacademy.org

Stay safe
I have been diagnosed with PTSD and major depressive disorder. I spent 19.5 years in the Army and reserves and now receive 100% VA disability. I joined the fire station in my community last February because I have not had a job in years. It feels good to help in my community. I get a rush when my pager goes off. Being with my department and talking with the "old timers" helps me immensely. I understand more about myself after learning what they have been through. If any of my brothers or sisters want to share experiences I am willing to talk.
I also do too and it took years to be comfortable in my own skin.
I resently retired from my last job after 30yrs in the fire service. Was a counselor/teacher on the VA medical team treating PTSD for veterans from Korean to now. It is real, emotionally painful can affect relationships, create isolation and can last a life time. People who don't understand it can be hurtful. It is NOT a mental illness, it is an anxiety issue. The military taught you to be that way during boot camp but did not take it back. My Dad had it also from WWII and Korea.
Remember it is real and a NATURAL response to abnormal events.
Stay safe
If you want to, contact me through ccookelarry@live.com
How dynamic and inspiring that you are reaching out to help others by bringing attention to this significant life altering medical issue. While not being diagnosed with PTSD, and could I? After my three SIDS in a row, my brain was fried. For me, I choose not to deal with it and bury it  by decertifying my status as a paramedic. I just changed to hazmat and never looked back.

I retired from 30 yrs on a city f.d. ouside of Denver, Co. I also treated PTSD  as a therapist in a VA medical Center. I also sufer from PTSD. It began at home when my father came home from Korea w/ significant PTSD. One can experience "vicarious traumatization" from living with one who has symptoms. PTSD can be a learned response and continue after the military. 

Be careful b/c your experience with a with military the and FD can exacerbate your PTSD symptoms. I still have startled response, nightmares, depression and intrusive images anger issues, etc.

Thanks for sharing your experiences,


Twenty one years in the military here. Retired dual service Navy/Army. My PTSD as far as I know had nothing to do with my military time though. The fifteen years as a firefighter though, is another story. I believe the MVA fatalities involving kids is what pushed me over the edge. Went for counseling with a big city department, and was immensely dissapointed with that Doctor. Ended up talking to a drug rehab counselor that was a Nam vet. Very positive outcome with him. Now, we counsel eachother whenever one of us needs to talk. Get some help! It took me along time to realize it was not a sign of weakness to admit I had a problem. That was the hardest step to take. There are many places out there that can help. The internet is a great place to find one. Fortunately my insurance company covers this sort of thing. If you have a department Chaplin, he should be able to suggest where to go for help also.

My e-mail is texas_hippie@yahoo.com for anyone that wants to connect offline.


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