I  want to know what your community does for your station/fire department. Community events? Fund raisers? Do you get alot of support? 

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The Sheriff's Office took over a new fire station which was erected to withstand a Cat 5 hurricane and an EOC. The FF were moved to a different station and they are now part of the Sheriff's division. The city and the commissioners voted on this due to financial concerns.
Our dept is waiting on some money a person in the area left in his will for our dept. We plan to use some of it to build a temp building to store our older extra pumpers when the new pumper comes in and buy a pickup truck for the deputy chief/president of the dept so he will have a vehicle that could be used for a snow plow, command post and 4x4 ambulance.
I wish our community would be more involve with our dept but the most they do is donation to our letter drive or come and play bingo in our hall.

  Unfortunately I get very little support from the community in general. We have a very uniquely structured dept. where we are a stand alone non profit entity our main source of income is by the sale of potable household water which is regulated by the "Honor System" which has been abused for so many years there is an attitude of entitlement. Since taking over the department 3 years ago I have made our station a no smoking alcohol and drug free area which has been an up hill battle but I am starting to see improvement in the process I have had to clean out some of the old school way of thinking and am basically starting from scratch but in return have attracted higher trained personnel a sense of pride and some positive feedback from my peers. And considering some of the controversy that has plagued past administrations I think slowly but surely I am gaining back the confidence of the community.

We have little to no support from the City we serve. We've gotten more help from surrounding departments. That is why we have very little.


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